Extreme fish...Down near!?

On sunday/Monday, my mom cooked kinda spicy fish, (its my favorite food, i eat fish adjectives the time!) and it tasted great, but next i noticed when i go toilet (number 1), it smellt like the fish my mom cooked. So i have a bath and wash my areas, and for about 20 mins i didnt smell anything, but afterwards after then smell come back. It have never happend to me befor and its starting to get me down because im starting to deduce people around me smell it too. Even my sister smelt it when i be laying down. Sould i see a doctor, or when the fish have digested the smell wil fade?
|please serious answers only and dont judje me|

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lol why would anyone go-between you over this, it cant be helped.

Drink lots of hose down, flush your system through. do you itch at all? you might enjoy thrush? if not merely eat fruit and drink river :o)

**EDIT** Have you started your periods on the other hand? and are you getting any sort of discharge? I remember i used to smell coming near to have my first periods, it be so embarrassing, i be so scared something like going to school and associates smelling it too. Maybe it could be that.

And your mum, obviously have no clue about how the womanly body works, and she isnt prepared to look outside the box, she sounds very religious lol, if you want advice from an grown maybe your mum have a sister which is more laid back? Everyone requirements to help you on here, in recent times do what we have adjectives said

Extremely Heavy Period?

ummm ive never had that problem.but i dont reflect on that its something serious,,,im sure that it will just fade.in recent times wait a couple days poster if the smell continues then u mjight entail to see your doc

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`sounds like an infection

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Many foods change the odor of urine and can be detected when you urinate. You will even identify a color change contained by urine from some foods.

The odor in your urine would only final for the first or second time you urinated after eating. An fatty food like fish might concluding longer I suppose.

But if you are sure you still have an odor five days subsequently it is probably something else.

I would suggest you look up "yeast infections" on google and learn more nearly it.

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I would recommend letting your mom know because this manifestly sounds like an infection could be going on, but the solely way to know for sure is to own this evaluated by your dr.

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Drink lots of water and cranberry liquid. That should help flush out doesn`t matter what toxins you consumed that are making your downstairs smell different.

If you develop other symptoms, (like itching, burning, smell gets worse, dull pain, vaginal discharge) you will need to produce an appointment with your gyno. Those are signs of a UTI. We adjectives get them at lowest once in our lifetime, even if no sexual flurry is happening.

Question for the guys?

First of adjectives, I'm a virgin and I've gotten so many yeast infections I can't even remember how heaps. So she's got that opinion all wrong! Second of adjectives, about the fish.. I really wouldn't verbs about it. You don't entail to see a doctor- the fish will digest through totally in a couple of days. Until consequently just use some body spray on your underwear and trade name sure that you clean/use soap. Too, it could be that you are going to get your extent soon. Period blood smells like that.

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Everyone's given good answers but a moment ago to add one article. Print it out yeast infection info & give it to your mom. One of the fundamental causes of yeast infections in youthful women (and I've read this numerous times & been told this by numerous doctors, including my ob/gyn brother) is wearing tight jeans next to non-cotton panties! Yeast infections thrive in dark, thaw, moist areas. The tightness keeps any nouns from getting in & the nylon or whatever really seal it - cotton breathes (lets air circulate) but the other materials don't. Even if you don't wear tight jeans, the wrong yard goods undies will put you at heightened risk. Another common explanation: imbalance surrounded by the ph (acidic vs. alkaline) of the vaginal environment from using douches, sprays, bubble baths (reallly common effect in children - I be shocked when I learned that when my daughter be little! no more soaking in bubble baths for her). As to where the yeast comes from surrounded by the first place? EVERYONE has it on their skin - it simply depends if it gets the conditions that see it to thrive. And tell your mom another mom said this: everyone's entitled to their judgment, but only after they know adjectives the facts! ;o)

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