At what age did you start shaving "down there".. girls only =] gratitude!?


Pubic hair growth and removal?

I started have a xxx wax 7 years ago at the age of 14. It's much better to wax because the hair will transparent down and some hairs will usually stop growing altogether. When you wax, the unbroken hair is removed from the follicle where on earth as with shaving the top of the fleece is cut off, departure the hair consciousness sharp and usually prickly. Shaving can also cause ingrown hair and can result in the skin becoming itchy and pimples forming.

Anny other women near an IUD have this.?

i started wen i be 12 but not all girls close to to at first it burns wen you do it>

Iam nervous roughly speaking having to turn to the bathroom on the bus?

I'm seriously considering it so I'll stick around for more answers.

Very light period?

Not to like 17 or 18.

But, of late to warn you, the first time you do it, when it starts to grow subsidise, it itches like HELL! And, you can be ANYWHERE when it starts to grow spinal column! Get ready to leap around and dance close to your on hot coals! After, a few times it doesn't bother you as much.

Does anyone know of a really good gym contained by georgia, with personal trainers and an in gym daycare?

I started triming at 14 and after shaved it all past its sell-by date at 16. Triming was honest but clean shaved feel refreshed. Good luck.

Why do I attain terrible headache before my interval?

I started at 13, for hygene reasons when i get my period xx

How do i stop my nipples hurting?!?

It doesn't really concern. Whenever you are comfortable or feels that the time is right. Hope that help :)

After anal intercourse, is it normal to bleed?

I am 13.5 and haven't started

Will pregnancy be possible for me?

I get it when I was 14, its better to do it so you dont draw from an infection. I got one and my doctor advise me to shave

Question about hymen?

I started almost half a year ago (I'm 13) but I with the sole purpose shave the top and outer edges, definetly not the whole entry, that kills when it comes subsidise!

I had a tubal ligation (cut and burned) done and stopped menstruating.?

i be 20. when it grew back, it itched resembling crazy. my boyfriend at the time did it.

Why do women peak contained by their 30s?

I was 11 or 12 when I started, and I did it mostly because I'm a swimmer and you don't resembling it poking out of your bathing suit in public, right? But anyway, I'm 17 now and it still itches close to crazy after I do it. You may want to go out and win one of those "miracle hair removal" devices that are constantly advertise on TV for women's bikini lines. I've actually get one, and it works really well.

Anybody be referred to an endocrinologist before?

Its really no age to start shaving as long as you know what your doing and dont cut yourself.
Good luck

Anyone using of acquainted with cyproterone acetate ethinyl estradiol (Althea)?

19...and its so discomfited! i wouldnt recomend starting until you think you stipulation to!

I just have my period it terminated the 17 of April and i still have cramps nd i receive dizzy is this normal?

Wee u shave down in attendance, I thought you didn't?

Does the time differ for each woman to enjoy an orgasm?

ok i think i'm within love with the girl over me

Period Start = 16th, It's presently the 20th = No Period Yet =(?

I was 16.

Could i be menopausal?

I be 14 and @ first when its growin bak it itches like crazy..... so in a minute u kno wat to expect and u wont think its something thats wrong

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