Could i be menopausal?

i havent had a length in a couple of months (not pregnant) and im sweating severely even when its not hot its terrible
what other symptoms would i win if i was?


Is it possible for birth control pills not to work?

You didn't mention you age. My elder sister is 47 and some months she misses periods and other months she get 2 or 3 periods. She also have bouts of sweating. Her gyno said she was pre-menopausal and wishes to put her on birth control to regulate her periods. But she wishes to quit smoking first.

I hope this helps contained by any way.
Good Luck!

How masses times can your cherry pop?

Ask your doctor. They can give you HRT patch if you are.

Why does baby take birth from vagina?

You didn't mention your age, but menopausal women suffer hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc.

You call for a trip to your gynocologist.

Beware of hormone supplements.

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