Period Start = 16th, It's very soon the 20th = No Period Yet... =(?

I have be taking Marvelon-28 birth control for about 1 year very soon...
So.. after the last month of my pills.. I missed 1 week or so of pills b/c I didn't hold the money at the time to purchase them..
I also have this online calender which I can spot the day my interval and symptoms.. I had be reminded my period started on the 16th... it is very soon the 20th.. and my period hasn't shown up even so. I don't remember if this has happen before...
Would missing in the order of a week or so throw off when my time of year will start?
Please let me know what you reflect...


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yes it could, you need to filch those pills regularly. and you need to own a supply on hand at adjectives times. until you can afford to get them use condoms when you hold sex and yes there is a perfect chance that you could be pregnant if you've be having sex and not taking the pill properly

Bleeding 1 week after sex?

Have you have sex? Could you be pregnant? If you took the pills a week late that could parsimonious that your body's hormones are messed up and you'll be a week late. I would suggest not to hold the pill until you can have a full months supply on paw - because it does need to be taken on the dot

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Don't verbs until you are at least 2 weeks in arrears..There are many factor that can affect your period...A alter in lifestyle, stress or excitement...Usually, the pill works long-gone the date you last took it..I myself would dawdle until the first of the month, then bestow yourself the home test.

Riddle! first correct answer get 10 flippin points!!?

after birth control pills and even the injections that are now taken every 13 weeks it can take some time, even several months, for your cycle to return to your norm. If near is no additional symptoms consequently some natural neutraceuticals are beneficial. Go to a local health food store or homeopathic physician for these. Usually lately returning the hormone levels to your norm is adjectives it takes.

Time of the month examine, please help!?

The month of February might enjoy thrown you off due to it individual a shorter month than all the rest...did you work out that in?

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I was supposed to take my period this month on the 16th also. I spotted for a while but after that I never got it. Just a couple of days ago me stomach started to hurt close to hell. It felt approaching I was gonna seize my period but worse. I go to the emergency room today because it had gotten worse and I even have to call surrounded by work..
Anyways, I think that you requirement to get it checked out because you might also be pregnant or you can enjoy Many different things wrong with you. You never know. If you enjoy any question more or less your body, ask a doctor.

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