Anybody been referred to an endocrinologist up to that time?

I have raise prolactin levels. i hold had an MRI scan done and near is no tumour on my pituatry gland. have have no periods for 5 months later when they come they here for 2 days but very fluffy. been near the hospital for 6 months and have lately been referred to the endocrinologist


Late interval, help?

I do see an endocrinologist however it is for my thyroids. Remember, prolactin is a hormone and it falls underneath endocrinology. It's a great thing that you do not hold any tumors. I have blood work done as okay two weeks ago to check my prolactin levels. It can also be galactorrhea ( this is if you enjoy discharge). It is normal to see this specialist. You will be help.

Errr.Some help please?

you may enjoy celiac should get a biopsy done without hesitation. also get the blood oral exam. but .01 % of people who enjoy celiac disease do not have the genetic signpost on their blood for it so you def. need a biopcy.

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