When i own my period its approaching dark brown tarmacadam!?

painful too!

Could this have be taken the wrong way?

Periods contained by general are uncomfortable, the dark brown tarry type of blood could be "behind the times blood" from your last time of year. This is how it works, Every month your body is putting a lining on your endometruim (the facing of your uterus) to prepare for pregnancy, when you ovulate about the 14th light of day after the 1st day of your interval, if you conceive it will stay there and your hormone level elevate so that it does stay intact. However, if you don't get pregnant afterwards your body will release the lining, cause the bleeding and discomfort. Because our body doesn't always flush itself completely this might result contained by the brownish stuff you are getting. From experience you are either have this at the beginning or towards the ruin of your period. You may want to be peak for endometriosis too. Although I am certain that you are going through what I freshly mentioned, you should see a Dr, if you feel worse or aren't comfortable next to any of our responses

Hope this helps

What else apart from anyone pregnant?

see your doc

Can a girl get her interval twice in a month, implication a week apart?

oh my god! see a doctor!

you have some condition/disease. EWWW!

Tender Kisses?

See your GP. going on the pill might back, or he/she will be able to suggest alternatives.

Are the doctors treating her correctly?

Thanks for sharing that beside us .... NOT

Girls-whats wrong with me?

You should see a doctor. A little of the brown stuff is ok. I lift it that you don't have red at any time. Beings near is pain as in good health, I say you own a problem. Don't put off getting it checked out! It could salvage your life.

Does YAZ variety you gain weight?

Are you sure you dont enjoy diorrhea?

Its pretty normal I come up with, dont worry something like it. It is probably mild cervical cancer.

I'm 24never had sex or anything near a guy. I want to get on the Shot. Can my REGULAR doctor provide it to me?

How long have you be getting your period? It's mundane during the first three years or so to have irregular period, varying in color. Is this a pattern beside your periods? Do you experience contant dull pain or does it get better next to time? Is it crampy pain or sharp cramp? Crampy pain is mundane. Does your blood yet redder further into your interval? It's normal for it to be unlit brown at first, but not during your entire period.

These are things your doctor will want to ask you, so trademark an appointment and discuss everything with him/her. It's most expected nothing or a simple infection, but solitary your doctor will know for sure, and you'll feel better afterward.

Also, I chew over it's really rude that some people posted "Ew" your your put somebody through the mill. People ask questions to find relieve and a direction, and that was inappropiate of them, especially when you're concerned in the region of your health and well-being. I hope this information help you.

Good luck, hun.

Weight and am i at an Average size?

Inform your doctor to see if this is normal for your body.everybody body is different your body may be taking its course in shift of development. are you a pubescent? did you just own a baby? Let your doctor know and be in motion from there. Do not start stress because of the other answers you've received on this interview

Women: 2 questions almost last darkness.?

If you are worried seek medical abet, this is very big for your health.

Check out on the network "painful periods" too, this may present some kind of serve before seeing your Doctor.
Don't be shy to budge, take along a friend for some moral support, I know how mortifying seeing our Doctor can be for this worry but its better to be nontoxic.

All the best.

Can you.?

dark brown blood is old blood and next changes to red blood which is different blood. go to doctor it could be somethin to do near ur womb. goin to docs will put ur mind at ease.

Yet another ovulation put somebody through the mill?

go to te dagum doctor

Plzz help me?

mine be like that and i found out that i have endometerosis and polycystics ovaries. please go to the doctors its not majority

Please help, interval?

Hi, its pretty normal to catch the brown discharge at the beginning and shutting down of a period but to own it all the means of access through may be a bit of a concern.

Have your periods other been similar to this? or has it come on sudden, if so, it could be a wee vary or upset in your hormonal shape and may go subsidise to normal subsequent cycle but I think its other wise to consult your GP or domestic planning clinic, always better to be protected than sorry and it will at least put your mind at rest.

Good luck

I hold a very immense flow, severe cramps and very foggy red blood. what's wrong?

hi i can related to you for i have a extremely painful [period, all right i think that you requirement to ck out a doctor. i do not think any item is wrong for some people own different simtoms and if you are passing lots of clots after you should be worry for to be exact not good . for the clots is a sign that you want to visit the docor you did not mention that you be passing clots but i am a moment ago saying it to you incase you are .for that is to say not normal. hope that i be some help

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