Please help near bacterial vaginosis...ONLY SERIOUS PEOPLE PLEASE!!?

I am sure I have bacterial Vaginosis but I dont hold health insurance so I dont want to stir to the doctors. I am woundering if there is any bearing to cure this? I have read alot online and associates have said folic tart supplements, yougart douches, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide douches and rephresh vaginal gel. Has anyone used any of these things?

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Go to Planned Parenthood. They'll see you for free. Give them a small donation if you can.

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You really should see a doctor, instead of of late guessing.

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25% vinegar and 25%yogurt and 50% water

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Bacterial vaginosis requires antibotic treament. Hence, the "bacterial" segment :)

I'm sorry, that's a bummer. Have you checked into low cost women's services in your area. Most cities own a free or low-cost women's clinic, where you can capture treated for that sort of thing.

Worst travel case...go to the ER, and they will bill you for services. You will money through the nose, but they are usually likely to work out a payment plan.

Yogurt up here is only going to be paid the problem worse. Same goes for douches of any thoughtful (tends to spread the bacteria further). Folic acerbic probably wouldn't hurt, but it won't help, any. And represh vaginal gel isn't going to help, because it's not a pH problem.

Have you considered the possibility that it might be a yeast infection? There's over the counter treatments for that...

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Well, it's not the answer you want but I've just had nouns with prescriptions from the doctor. Can you check & see if at hand are any free women's clinics in your area close to planned parenthood, or a university clinic at reduced cost? I haven't used any of the things you mentioned for treatment - sorry.

Please helpOk so i am seventeen..i have be getting my?

In the states you could try a local health department. They are income base.

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I am not a physician nor am I representing myself to be one. This is merely my opinion. I am not sure where on earth you read any of that stuff but I know no matter what be happening to my coochie I wouldn't be putting yogurt or peroxide in it! First item is make sure you are keeping yourself verbs, especially during this. Do not scratch/itch as you will only aggrevate the redness/swelling and product it painful as in good health (esp when you urinate) Do you know what caused it? Condom? Usually by something agitating the pool liner of the vagina. ...some things you can do are EAT yogurt,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't douche with it =D if you own cranberry juice, drink it that will sustain too. If you have any vaginal antibiotic cream use can buy some over the counter. Something that I hold around my house that I use for EVERYTHING medical wise is A & D rub. And I have used this for any vaginal issues! ;) It have vitamins and does not burn no matter how irritated you've made your skin...once you put it in between your labia you can also urinate lacking it burning which during this is going to be painful! Oh, filch a nice warm hip bath before you try any of this to sort of verbs everything and decrease swelling...I yearning you the best through this and I know its hard not have insurance....but if it doesn't get better do please see a physician ok?

WEIRD period?? support!?

You need to be see by a DR or nurse practitioner. You must have cultures and sensitivity test done so they will be able to identify the germs. Without this, you could take a med forever and not gain better if it wasn't the right one for the particular microbes you have. You will verbs to get more mortified, so I would get it taken caution of soon. Your local health Department is another place to try to win free services. In the mean time...this is contagious to your partner so no intimacy for presently. Good luck to you.

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