Can you.?

can you wear tampons in the pool? the thing is, tomorrow is this big boy-girl pool knees-up and im having my time of year now. i wear tampons, but are they ok surrounded by a pool? will they leak or something? i freshly dont want anything bad to develop.
any help would be appreciated :)


Does anyone own melasma caused by taking contraceptive pill?

You HAVE to wear tampons when you are in a pool during that time of the month. Going in need is unsanitary. They won't leak. Just put one contained by before you run in, and don't approaching it in longer than 7 hours. (you might want to modify it sooner depending on the heaviness of your flow, and the amount of exercising/swiiming you own been doing). You'll be fine!

Anyone out near actually do the Day 1 a bit than the Sunday start with Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo?

they are great for a pool...
no,they shouldnt bleed if you put it in right earlier going in the water and depending on how sturdy your flow and how long you will be swimming.

Is it normal for woman to hold a yellow discharge?

yes you totally can wear tampons contained by a pool ! have fun!

I win very sick before my time, is this normal?

They will not seepage that is what they are made for!

I use Tampax Pearl they work best within pools and every where!

What are some really accurate deordorants?

it is OK to wear a tampon in the marine =make sure it is in its proper position is adjectives

Body wraps?

Yes, you can wear tampons in the pool. That's probably one of the #1 reason that they were made.

What cause my odd vaginal odor while wash with soap?

yes but you may stipulation to change more regularly!

Ladies; is bleeding normal for first-timers?

Tampons are fine to wear in the pool. Put a fresh on in right beforehand the party and check for leak as often you customarily would. Just be sure to keep the string tucked into your swimsuit so nobody see it.

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