Please help, interval? on May 11th my husband and I had sex using the withdrawl method. He ejaculate outside and away from me. I believe I was at the closing stages of my ovulation at this time (which would have be late, but the stress I hold been below in the second month is hardly bareable).

I be due for my period on the 15th but figure I would be a late due to the in arrears ovulation ( I tend to be late twice a year, once contained by the winter months and once in the summer months).

Last Tuesday I began exceptionally light spotting. Each afternoon since then it have gotten heavier and more period approaching in the morning, gotten lighter in the afternoon next heavier again at night. This morning be the closet to "period" symptoms I have experienced beside actually bleeding.

At this point I hold taken 2 pregnancy test both neg. What within the world do you all believe is going on with me. Any comfort or ideas would be amazingly appreciated!

Does anyone weighed near shoes on make a difference?

Emotional and physical stress can affect or revise our cycles. Women athletes can stop having period due to the increase physical exertion and the stress of performance. So do musicians; their work is smaller quantity physical but no less stressful. One other entry we never seem to speak something like is that as there are change in our go styles and as we age there are change in our cycle. Also some women enjoy a light time during the first trimester and negative pregnancy trial. So throughout your life nearby is going to be changes. When you thought them your first source of information should be your doctor. Give him or her a call when you hold concerns.

What could happen if?

Just continue and see what happens.

Any tips on how to throw up?

ask YOUR doctor not a doctor

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