How do I keep my foot from smelling?


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Hi friend it's Caitlin I made a new story so that one guy would stop e-mailing me about my foot!

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After washing try tallying some corn starch to your shoes and get some odor eaters.

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Try scrubbing your foot real biddable, wear clean socks and manufacture sure your shoes don't already smell. Sprinkle some odor-absorbing powder in your socks and they should smell fresh as a daisy.


Sweat is what usually causes the smell. Try to save your feet verbs and dry. Always wear clean, dry, socks and use inserts for your shoes. Powders can comfort, but also can cause irritation.

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There are some simple yet significant ways to rid yourself of this problem, but you must be committed, or it will fail.

Firstly you call for to throw out those shoes affected by the smell, even if they are your most treasured duo of shoes. If you keep one duet, they will just infect your bright pair! So if you don't do this to start next to, the problem will continue.

Next you obligation to find some anti-fungal cream, in case you are suffering from a fungal infection, maintain using it for as long as required (the product will tell you). If you find your foot itching, it is normally a telltale sign of a fungal infection.

Now you necessitate to go out and buy a mass of cotton socks. Cotton allows your feet to breathe with ease. It also absorbs sweat really all right without odour. They are a must!

The other stealthy is to buy some heavy duty, odour absorber innersoles. These are the final trick to stunning smelling feet. They hold sweat, so that there is smaller quantity chance for a moist environment for germs to breed in. You must craft sure to put then surrounded by every pair of shoes to produce this system effective.

When you are at home try and avoid wearing shoes full stop. This will allow average evaporation of sweat to occur, so that evaporation will lift place, and no moisture is on your feet to breed germs in.

Oh, and try and present your feet a footbath once a week. It is not single relaxing, but it is effective contained by taking off inert skin cells. Soak your foot, and then use a foot puma's stone to scrub your foot. Let them dry and use a non-scented light moisturiser. Try and resign from your feet friendly to the air that darkness.

Now the important entry is here, is that all these tips are commenced at duplicate time. Because if they are not, you will continue to spread the microbes (or fungus) from shoe to shoe. Some people hold found foot odour devastating to their flatmates and potential 'pick-ups', so is can be considered a serious issue. If you follow these simple rules strictly, I'm sure you will find that the problem of smelly feet will be in motion.

Oh, one other tip, the more you try and hide the smell beside deodorants, the worse the smell will become. I promise you this, I lived with someone who have this problem, and it can drive you crazy!

You can also bath your foot in your bathtube while sittling on the rim. Try scrumming them and they also formulate those big seasalt pebbles that u can rub while washing them.

worthy luck withyour problem!!!

Overweight teen?

scrub them really good and put little one powder in your shoes

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