Overweight teen?

i'm 16 and i'm overweight i have tried dietin an exercise and zilch seems to abet my doctors say i jus to hold on to working at it to make matter worse i was on the depo provera birth control shot to assistance with my cramps it made me gain 20 pounds in 3 months i enjoy heard ppl consult bout how they lose weight by dieting but i dunno wut features of diet is right for me if anyone could plz help me i would really appreciate it my senior yr is comin up and i wanna look upright for it

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Three things to assistance you lose weight

Positive attitude. Without it you will end up quitting doing something and get the impression worse.

Cut calories. Look at what you are eating, gross the portions smaller so that you are taking in a smaller amount of calories. Make your daily span about 1000-1300 calories. That will still allow you to put away everything you like, but also help out you lose weight.

Exercise. This can be easier than it sounds. If you pace for half an hour continuously after you end up burning something like 130 calories. That's just walking. If you do anything that get your heart pounding for an extended period of time (anything between 5-20 minutes) and make you sweat then you are working your body.
Even standing up straight is plenty of a work out on your back and stomach muscles to supply you that extra boost in the middle of the year.

Just remember that everything takes time and nearby is no fast approach to get any of this done. If someone say otherwise then they are selling something.

Keep your chin up, and your hopes giant. You can do this and don't let anyone voice otherwise. I hope everything goes powerfully for you.

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Sweet girl, attain away from all sugars, pasta, potatoes rice and white breads. And don't madness. There are lots of good things out within that are sugar free, including CHOCOLATE. Exercise. Just plain walking will help plentifully. Eat lots of veggies fruits and nuts, And relax. Stress can cause overeating, among other desperate things. Good luck

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hi im morgan and i have a suggestion. i deduce that you should start slowly with your diet. you should start by limiting the stuff you really like(but you know is not honourable for you). then when you seize goin with that, you should start limiting alot of other stuff. excercising is well brought-up to do while you diet.

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I be aware of your pain. Really. I completly recognize. But anyways, I suggest jazzersize. Its SO easy, and the counterweight just starts to liquefy off. Also, walking. Its the easiest workout, adjectives you need are some shoes and your foolproof! Just by cutting 500 calories (Maybe...dont drink soda, try just fruits) and burning 500 calories, thats already 100 calories youve lost! Do that times 7, thats 7000 calories a week, 2 pounds!

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keep exercising, stay away from sweets,sodas, excessive salt amounts. I know what you are going through going on for the depo shot I've gone through the same entity, the best thing for you to do is to exercise at a stride that is obedient for you, and try to eat fit.

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