Birth control opinion...?

Am I the only girl around here that know how BAD birth control is for you? Fisrt of all, it really increases the hit and miss of getting diseases because it weakens your immune system. Then, since it thins your uterus, if you catch pregnant while on the pill, it aborts your little one before you even know you be pregnant! SO WRONG! The longer you are on it also dcreases the chance of you getting pregnant subsequently when you really want to. Just think just about it people. Just skulk until you are married and then in attendance are no problems... seriously.

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I give attention to birth control is bad to

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Do you realize that here are people who are married and on birth control? Are you suggesting they don't hold sex either? Can you visualize how many unwanted pregnancies near would be if we didn't have birth control to some extent people are married or not.

My headdress is off to adjectives the girls who take the responsibility and procure on the pill!!

Im so emotional.. what cause it? why am i emotional? im a girl by the method?

Close your Bible and go to Planned Parenthood and bring some real information and stop spreading your useless prate.

Can I drink two pints of water and hold it for an hour?

A lot of choices contained by life are difficult. This is one of those choices.

Not have sex is an option but some of us out here ENJOY sex.
and will enjoy sex. Nature of the beast.

Yes here are many other option but if you are going to have sex taking a pill is a undamaged lot better that some of the other choices. Some woman are not ready at 21 , 30 some want to further schooling. Spend time in the work pasture before children.
Taking a pill is one of the safer option. Should a woman abort every time she has an unplanned pregnacy? Should a woman put her child up for adoption she is cold to raise? Should a woman try to tilt a child with no money because she did not finish university. Yes they do have other option but not as accurate. Condoms break some use the pill as a second safety network. the Foam? not very successful? Oh wait let fix it all and enjoy all the men own vasectomies.. OH wait consequently we wouldn't have babies at adjectives... LOL...

You can chose to be responsible and take the pill and not enjoy another unplanned pregnancy in the world.. Look how copious babies are adopted, abort, sold, starved, beat, motionless??

Pick your battles. If these woman want to clutch a pill to protect themselves of having a child they do not want at the time which make more sense? Swallow a pill? or Have a baby you don't want?

What would you recommend today? What is your solution for woman not to steal this pill? How are you going to protect these woman from not getting pregnant? because YEP were still going to enjoy sex. OH WAIT she is going to be the one who will babysit for all of us when we enjoy 30 babies because she is against the pill LOL@!! Too Funny

Thank You for the laugh I have a good time near this one HAHAHA!

Did you know that if you wear a new bra or underwear that you can take maggots ?

It's easy to pick single one side to things. What about the women who are on the pill to regulate their menstrual cycle or lessen their bleeding? What just about the women who choose to take it to lessen their cramps, or even give a hand with their acne.

As far as it thinning your doesn't do anything different than what our bodies readily do every month when we have our period. As far as weakening our immune system...I've never hear or read that on any of my information and I am a nurse and have numerous medication books. As far as the pill abort the baby, it is possible but not other going to happen. I know numerous populace that have gotten pregnant while on the pill and have healthy babies. As far as it decreasing the adjectives of getting pregnant later on, specifically also not true. Once you take the pill for a long length of time, it does take your body a while to regain run of the mill hormone production, but it will go support to normal. As a woman ages (into her 30s) her eggs dwindle viable naturally, that have nothing to do near being on birth control.

If inhabitants want to be on birth control, that is their choice. You shouldn't mediate anyone else's decision within life. It's their natural life to live, not yours.

Any ladies share this symptom: when seasons evolution, I get a hot flash every a.m.?

you do realize that if you imagine BC is bad bc it could abort a fetus judge about how frequent ACTUAL babies who would be aborted if the pill be not available. more babies would be aborted if BC be not available it would be horrible

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