My belly button/ring is bleeding.. HELP

Okay so usually when you first get your belly button pierced it bleeds a little - as the personage would normally tell you. Ive have mine since feb, and its been pretty good. I get a little puss bubble..or whatever underneath. My friend get one aswell but hers has cleared now. Lately its be hurting more then usual - when you touch it etc. Right now its bleeding and I'm worried. Idon'tt know what to do. ive cleaned it and tried to bring back the blood out - it kinda looks like its coming from this little puss bubble... but wouldn't puss come out of that? gross i know. its making me feel little in poor health! Please help, if you've had this appear before ... let me know! and what should i do??? ahh assistance, thank you xx

Answers:    it sounds infected you may way to go to a drug store similar to walgreens or walmart and pick up some sea salt, it did wonders when mine get infected.

dont touch it unless you have to and use dial antibacterial soap in the shower to verbs it.
Go to a store and get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide if you don't already have one and hold cleaning it with that – not only the hole, but if you can, filch the ring out and clean it, too, so that you're sure you're not keeping any extra germs in the nouns.
If I were you, I'd try to go any to the place you got it pierced or to a doctor and have them look at it and see if they deem you've got an infection. Don't touch it, that could potentially make it worse. Try deep-sea salt soaks... put 1/4 teaspoon sea saline in a cup of warm sea and hold it over your belly button for 2-5 minutes twice a day. You should also go rear to your piercer and tell them what's going on, they should have some right advice for you. .
To each their own. I have a girlfriend that was rather helpful in her daily routine and have her belly heal after about a year. Keep it verbs and make an appointment with your doctor to see if infection have set in. go to a doctor
its not invigorating and possibly infected.
go to your doctor. yes it has happen to me before except on my cartilage. your probably really sensitive to the earring. and i had some sort of white bubble on ym cartilage i didnt know what it was. my mom made me take the earring out and verbs the bubble and all around teh front and back of teh hole next to peroxide. first take your belly button ring out, then go and get a q-tip put peroxide on it and clean the puss bubble, some puss should come out of it, then win a washcloth and turn on teh hot water and run teh rag underneath it, later heat it up in teh microwave as hot as you can stand it and hold it on tehre, when it doesn't have a feeling hot anymore keep running hot water on it and heat it up. it will get smaller within minutes. once it reches its constraint and it doesnt get smaller clean it beside peroxide again, and clean it at least 2-3 times a time. dont put the belly button ring back in until teh puss bubble is gone! your hoel might grow contained by, my cartilage did and i have to go backa nd gain mine re-done. i would suggest buying a dif belly button ring, not a cheap one.

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