Should I be worried?

I haven't been on my period now for nearly 3 weeks I've never be this late past, and I haven't been getting any pains or anything adopt from last week should I be worried? :(

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theres nil to worry around, most womens periods are irregular and i vote be thankfull that you dont have it at the mo!!
your spell may be distrupted by a number of things, for example stress, immensity loss or gain, and even the girls you hang round near, my periods played up when i started sixth form and very soon me and one of my best friends have it at indistinguishable time-im sure youve heard stories that girls that spend a great deal of time together are more likely to draw from their periods at alike time of the month!!
hope this helps, polite luck xx

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Did you have intercourse during your time of fertile mucus?


my friend have this problem, believe it or not but she was one and a partly months late. she asked the doctor and she be fine, its just that sometimes in that is a hormone imbalace in some women and this cause the eggs to be released late, so period dont come. im not to sure but this is the main aim why many women hold late or irregular period. you may also want to think something like being pregnant if you have sex in the end few months.

but its best to go for a check up if your really worried

Irregular term?

Don't worry - it is probably due to stress, too much or too little exercise/eating.
A lot of things can grounds a late time. Just be thankful :)

Will you please answer my question?

nopes...dont worry

What the f is this?!?

could u be pregnant? it could be due to a few things, preganacy, menopasue, stress related... sometimes it can merely happen in need a cause. see a gyno!

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could be stress period change alot over time. i used to progress for months without a extent think it is stress sometimes.


i have regular periods from 9 up until I get to about 19 after they went haywire and started skipping months sometimes up to three months at a time, my doctor said it's nil to worry something like. It could be cause by stress, gaining/loosing counterbalance suddenly among other things, as long as they dont skip more then 5 or six months consequently you will just be classed as sufferng irregular period. After I had my first infant my periods go back to average.

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yes u should be worried , life minus sex can be very insecure for your health:P

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If I be you I'd go and see your doctor purely to put your mind at ease. If you enjoy been burning the candle at both ends or if you are stressed or if you are worried nearly anything this can also cause your period to be late. But travel to the doctors and get him to dispense you a check up just to check that things are neat

Someone Please Help me. PLEASE!?

if youve been below stress its normal to hold irregular periods, but if youre concerned ask your gp

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