Help! I enjoy horrible cramps!!?
I've taken tylenol and tried taking a bath and nought has help. I dont have a heat pad. My dad is at work so i'm home by myself, so i cant move about to the store. What can i do to help? I also enjoy horrible backache.
moisten a bath towel, fold it and place it surrounded by a plastic bag and put surrounded by the microwave for two min. Then you have a heat pad. Place it over where on earth you have the most spasm. It doesn't take it away but it ease it greatly.
Sit within a warm hip bath w/ epsom salts (if you hold them). If not, the warm hip bath will help.
Females - Some Help Please, Nurses, Docs?
advil and a heat pad will work here a friend who can help you.
Many ancestors need liver transplants from taking tylenol. Site below have natural assistance for cramps.
I want to wear tampons but every time I try to insert one I feel seasick and dizzy.why?
For right now, I would suggest a reheat bath since you don't own a heating wad. When you can, I would schedule a doctor appt. and hold an exam, I don't know how old you are but when I be 16 I was prescribed a low dose birth control pill. They thought I may hold had endometrios but they told me to stay on the pill for a year and see if that help, and it did. About the 3rd month I was on them I did not crap as desperate and some months didn't crap at all plus I lone bleed for 2 or 3 days verses 7 to 10 days. Good luck and I hope you grain better.try an orgasm, always seem to help me a bit.