Help! I enjoy horrible cramps!!?

I've taken tylenol and tried taking a bath and nought has help. I dont have a heat pad. My dad is at work so i'm home by myself, so i cant move about to the store. What can i do to help? I also enjoy horrible backache.


How Do I Get Rid Of?

moisten a bath towel, fold it and place it surrounded by a plastic bag and put surrounded by the microwave for two min. Then you have a heat pad. Place it over where on earth you have the most spasm. It doesn't take it away but it ease it greatly.

My friend is 18. had her interval normally. She is a Virgin, but hasnt find her period contained by the last 2 1/2 month?

Sit within a warm hip bath w/ epsom salts (if you hold them). If not, the warm hip bath will help.

Females - Some Help Please, Nurses, Docs?

advil and a heat pad will work best.
is here a friend who can help you.

My girlfriend have an interest in injections in her buttocks (& mine) as an erotic aid. Is this safe?

Many ancestors need liver transplants from taking tylenol. Site below have natural assistance for cramps.

I want to wear tampons but every time I try to insert one I feel seasick and dizzy.why?

For right now, I would suggest a reheat bath since you don't own a heating wad. When you can, I would schedule a doctor appt. and hold an exam, I don't know how old you are but when I be 16 I was prescribed a low dose birth control pill. They thought I may hold had endometrios but they told me to stay on the pill for a year and see if that help, and it did. About the 3rd month I was on them I did not crap as desperate and some months didn't crap at all plus I lone bleed for 2 or 3 days verses 7 to 10 days. Good luck and I hope you grain better.

Very Strange Cravings?

try an orgasm, always seem to help me a bit.

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