Can i wear a bikini?

I have a long blotch across my stomach, i have the body for a bikini but am afraid of the horrific defacement. Can i wear a bikini and just not verbs about it? Thanks for the relieve!! :)

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yes! dont let a silly deformity worry you. especially since you hold the body!

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if u have a feeling embarresedof that scar, return with some of that fondation or cover up stuff form the store, its speccally made to cover strech marks/scars. if u dont know how to find it, just jump to the section of the store that sell make up and ask the woman there,

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don't verbs girl. as long as you have the body for it, you'll look great. besides, i imagine most men (or women if ur lesbian) would prefer a lady next to a scar on her tummy than a fat@$$.

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If you want to wear a bikini, wear it. Besides, if you have a bikini bod, not a soul will probably pay attention to your mark! And who knows, it may be a path for a hot boy to start talking to you nearly it! (you know how guys can get almost scars!)

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there are plentiful medicines contained by stores that actually get scars fade- put it on the mark could be gone pretty quick----dont worry more or less a stupid scar- show of that body, girl!

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YES. for grasp about your blemish. go buy a bikini and wear it. enjoy an attitude that screams i look apposite in this bikini and if you believe it you will. not a soul will notice.

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dont worry. marilyn monroe have a horrific scar on her stomach and she be always showed it past its sell-by date


First off tolerate me tell you...
When I be just I kid I get hit by a car and have a scar on my tummy...When i get older i relized that i wouldn't ever wear a bikni EVER! Then i go to the pool in my 1 piece and everyone asked my why?? It be embaresing and they all have me change. Wear a bikni dont permit others tell you what to do.

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Don't let a mark do that to you. Go ahead a wear a bikini, you have the body you might as resourcefully show it off!!

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sure it doesn't situation what other people have an idea that

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If you're capable of putting on a bra and a double act of panties, then yes, you "can" wear a bikini. So what give or take a few your scar. I hold a scar on my gone hand. People get the impression compelled to ask me about it. Like it's any of their business. There hold been times when I merely wanted to ask them why they conjecture they they have the audacity to ask me something personal.

When I be younger, I felt as though I "couldn't" wear one peice, permit alone a bikini because I was overweight and pudgy. When I get a "bikini body", I felt as though they be too revealing, seeing that I didn't want to go out surrounded by a glorifed bra and panties.

Do what you want. Don't let society and pop culture report to you what you "should" and "shouldn't" wear.

Waxing my Bikini Line. Skin has stuck to Wax. PLZ HELP ME?

Well...I wouldn't verbs about the blotch and just stir for the bikini. Still, if you are worried about it and dont' have a feeling comfortable, go for a cut-out one piece swimsuit. They're a short time ago as chic and sexy and are very popular right in a minute.


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