What can i do inherently?

i think that i dont ovulate .cant travel to doctor for month.is anything i can do by myself?

Answers:    You said;
"i did try stick and temperature.nothing"
- what does that expect exactly? I'm going to assume you used an ovulation test, which frankly is useless unless you know when you are ovulating. You necessitate to use a method that tells you exactly what your body is doing and when, if you be doing this you wouldn't turn out with 'nothing', far from it.

Use Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) this is used for both pregnancy exploit and birth control, as well as all-round sexual vigour. You take your basal body warmth daily along near observations of your cervical mucus and cervical position - this tells you not lone exactly when/if you are ovulating but if you are not ovulating it will tell you why you are not ovulating.

If using FAM you yourself will be capable of tell exactly why you are not ovulating and you can afterwards go to your doctor, show him/her the results and communicate them where you want to travel from there surrounded by terms of further conducting tests or treatment as you will already know the problem.

You can learn more more or less FAM from these web sites;

I'd recommend you go and get the book 'Taking charge of your fertility' by Toni Weschler, then acquire yourself charts (go here to print them off - http://www.geocities.com/fertility_aware... ) and a basal body thermometer that you can pick up for one and only lb1 from a lot of stores.

Or you could step to Boots where they go all sorts of things to facilitate you out, they have for a time kit that costs around lb12 near charts and thermometer in rather pouch, or you could get Persona which is for a moment expensive at around lb70 for the starter pack but if trying to get pregnant it would assist you out a lot.

If you are within fact not ovulating consequently your doctor is the best person to confer to, but he/she will take you through test (thus why you should use FAM first, it means you can avoid unnecessary testing).

As very well as treatment through your doctor you could use herbal methods to increase your fertility, such as red clover blossoms, nettle leaves, or vitex, you can find more information here - http://www.sisterzeus.com/infergen.html
No only a doctor can determine if youre no ovulatiing or not If I be a woman I think that I would lug a ride on my menstrual cycle. The exercise should help.
you could buy one of those ovulation test - bit like a pregnancy stick that u pee on There is nought you can do on your own, and you really need to dawdle for your GP to take blood for a time 21 progesterone, to confirm that you are really not ovulating.
there is nil you can do. you need to see a docter or someone at a sexual vigour clinic or ring NHS direct!!
my friend doesnt ovulate which means she can never hold children. she has some sort of disease. its not a appropriate one. you need greatly of treatment for it. sort it out asap before it does serious destruction. if you think ur not ovulating, do something..? it wont move about away by you doing anything yourself?
good luck xxx

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