GIRLS and WOMEN ONLY please! thanks.?

i'm 13. i haven't gotten my period however, but other than that i'm pretty much fully developed. most of my friends hold already gotten theirs.

i'm starting to get for a moment worried, but people who i've talk to about it told me not to verbs.

one of my friends thinks it's because i'm a lacto-vegetarian.

somebody else told me to drink more milk (even though i already drink a lot of it).

i don't know if cargo matters or not, but i weigh just about 95 or 96 pounds.

family history (i don't know if it matter either): my mom got hers when she be 9, but my cousin on my dad's side didn't get hers until she be 17.

if you could tell me what you chew over, that's be great.

thanks a bunch!


Is this normel?

Ok, first of adjectives your weight may not be a problem unless you're pretty high-ceilinged. You're weight and height above sea level should be rather proportionate to one another. Also pilfer in consideration if you gain like mad of physical activity or if you're below a lot of stress. These can aid delay a time of year. I don't really see why milk will really have an effect on your term, unless your lacking iron, but spinach, brocoli, vitamins ect will run care of that.
Not adjectives girls are the same. You're body will season at it's on time, not at the time of every girl surrounded by your school. So it's average you haven't gotten your period on the other hand.
Maybe because you're not consuming all the hormone rich toxic meat your friends consume that may caused their bodies to grown a bit faster!!
Don't worry ok. I suggest a short time ago going to get a physical. Talk to your parents. Only a doctor and familial will know what's normal for you!

Trust me have a period may nouns exciting now, but a few years then you'll be taking pills to have individual once every four months.

Good luck and welcome to woman hood!!

Why do some guys suggest that I am too sultry?

If you are underweight for your height, that might be preventing you from menstrating. Otherwise, it's without fault normal for a girl to attain her period as behind time as 14. I would suggest getting an annual gynocological exam and discuss this with the doctor.

I want to obtain breast implants?

Hey, I wouldn't return with too worried about this. My mom get hers around 15-16! So just be tolerant, It's not much to look forward to anyway (haha).

are naked sleep devout for health?

When it comes vary greatly from girl to girl... R u very stirring? Because female athletes usually acquire it latter then sooner. Don't stress to much give or take a few it.. it's not a very fun entry to get!!

Is my hymen broken?

Everyone is different, a short time ago wait and see believe me here is no hurry for this I had mine when I be 12 my mom had it when she be 17 wish I be her.

What is your opinion on abortion? Serious answers please.?

It's adjectives genetics and the maturing of your internal organs. RELAX< u will procure it. TRUST ME IT AINT FUN! Enjoy ur time without it!

Do you hold to take your tampons out when you are gonna use the restroom?

I get my period at 14, it's not the biggest issue. Your consignment could be part of why you haven't gotten it, so could man a vegetarian (I didn't gain my period until I hit around 95 lbs and I'm a vegetarian). Being a vegetarian technique that you aren't ingesting all the hormones that other general public are. Next time you see your doctor, express your concern. If she thinks it's an issue, she'll probably run a blood testing to check your hormone levels.

Stress can also own an effect on whether or not you get your length, so try not to worry too much.

What is planned fatherliness?

studies show that girls that are heavier tend to start their periods before. It is completely normal to not menstruate until your then teen years. I wouldn't rush it. Enjoy your worry free days of not have to stuff your purse with pad and tampons!

Too thin how can I gain solidity?

Don't worry!! you'll find it as soon as your body is ready, i feel that genetics may be interfering a touch bit, maybe you are going to win your period similar to your aunt of your dad's side. See it this way, you are no dealing beside ALL that, once you get it you are going to preference you have never get it, lol JK its not that awful, just relax and soak up your not-getting-your-period-life. ;D

how can i stick to a diet?

Yes, your weight and drinking habits depend on how soon and if you grasp your period. I don't know if you hear, but girls who are anorexic do not have a length. I am not saying you are, but newly thought you would like to know. By individual a vegetarian, you are denying your body iron, which help make your blood glutinous. If you body senses an absence of this, it will not allow you to enjoy a menstruation, because it will be like getting cut and not have platelets to seal up the first performance. If you want to get your menstrual cycle, I recommend you to cart some iron pills to build up your iron. Also, stress can keep you from have a cycle as well. Don't verbs over it, it will come in due time.

it's be 36 days.?

i wouldn't will eventually come.

Swollen foot.. how do I get rid of the swelling of my foot?

My cousin didn't get hers until she be 16. On the other hand, I get mine when I was 11. Yes, counterbalance does matter. If you gain for a time weight later you will probably get it. Being a lacto-vegetarian has nought to do with getting your interval but when you do get it, you enjoy a much higher risk of becoming anemic. Well I hope this help a least for a moment.


Fiance's breast problemshould she go through next to surgery?

there is probable nothing wrong near you, girls have to hold at least 14 percent body grease to begin have periods and by the sounds of your counterbalance you don't have that on the other hand the fact the you are a lacto-vegetarian plays a small part within that because you don't put the saturated butter in your body that comes from red meat I be in impossible to tell apart situation that you are in at your age my sister started when she path 13 and I didn't start until I was 16. Go see you doc a short time ago to make sure, and stay on top form.

Period Question?

Every young woman is different so we adjectives start at different times. Since you say you are pretty much fully developed conceivably you should have your Mom phone your pediatrician to have them consult to you or maybe pass some advice to your mom for you. Your body go through so many change at this time, there are unmistaken things that are sometimes signs that you are about to start, but again this sort of guidance should really be discussed with your mom or your pediatrician. I am not sure if stress matter before getting your cycle, but I know it sure plays a number on it once you own started, so TRY not to stress over it. Sometimes it feels similar to we are the last entity to do everything. Believe me this is one of those things you will be glad you started later a bit than earlier. Good luck to you and remember to use our answers singular as a guideline, your mom should be the one you truly take your counsel from.

Is it possible for me 2 lose 35 pounds in 6 months. If so what should I put away.?

if you don't get your spell by the time you are 18 there is something wrong next to you but most girls get their time between the ages 11-14 so don't get anxious. if you have any other question you should ask your doctor.

About the pain hard by my groin, after a sexual intercourse, is it overexertion or what?

It is different in every woman. Honestly, enjoy the time you don't enjoy it. You will have plenty of time to agreement with it soon. Contrary to what you might believe, 12-14 is still the average age to start your interval. I have hear that a lot of girls that are have them earlier and before is due to what your eating and how much exercise. Check out this association:

It gives some well brought-up information. It talks in the region of the wide scope of normal, this is one of those topics that it is extremely true. Please lift it from me, I know you are probably a little worried because your friends are getting it, and you don't own it, but you are still normal. And by some of the reading I enjoy done, probably healthier than a great deal of them. Trust me, if you are already developed, you have the polite part of puberty, and aren't missing out on the not so interesting stuff. Shoot, if I could own gone a couple more years without the cramping, mood swings, and bleeding, I would hold. Just wait it out. You may be a moment ago like your cousin!

can i take pregnant again with my endometriosis?

dont verbs
its not becuse ur vegetarian
u simply have not started all the same
it's just fine (enjoy it)

my aunty is suffering from strain in her right stomach and she have infection in her right kideny give judgment?

Sometimes it is worth it to just budge to the doctor and ask your questions. That mode you are hearing it directly from your doctor who know your medical history. There are just too tons factors that can affect your cycle.

Most Ideal Contraceptive?

First bad, being a lacto-vegetarian has nil to do with it. Milk also have nothing to do near it.

Weight can effect it but only within extreme cases. Either you would have to be overweight or underweight.

It will come. Dont verbs. We all develop at different times and different rates.

Heavier period after tubes tied?

I got mine when I be 13 and my sister 15, women are different so just..keep on.

N 1 know of way lacking surgery a way to tighten muscle from 3 c-sections?

I wouldn't be worried untill you are around 16 or 17 and still haven't gotten your period. Talk to your doctor merely to make sure.

Infertility & ovulation?

I basically read in my medical book that you can start your term between 9 and 17 years of age. It's not really a dietary issue at your age (it's more hormonal)and I'm sure you're healthy. Just relish this time to not hold to worry give or take a few "Aunt Flo" and be assured it will come. Worying doesn't do anything except rob you of your energy for today that can be chaneled contained by much better ways.
Take care

For the girls? have anyone tried moon cups?

girls start at all different ages, since you are fully developed that could penny-pinching your on your way! check for any of these symptoms: stomach surrounded by lower abdomen, headache, backache, mood swings, brown spotting, increase in discharge, drowsiness, any brackish or sugary cravings, having ache and pains all around. it seem your at the right weight to obtain your period, and your genes show that you could carry it anytime between 13-17. im sure you will get it soon! goodluck.

PMS, age 45 stories please?


Okay. You're my friend and adjectives. (I really am) Calm Down! Reading other peoples entries make me expect that you're overly worried. Don't be. Everyone says relish life short it while u can. I agree.

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