Is my hymen broken?

okay, so when hymen breaks u bleed, and u can break ur hymen by just playing sports and person active. so im a virgin and i am into sports and stuff, and its two weeks before/after my time, and im bleening.can that be it?!?


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First of adjectives it is difficult to break your hymen through sports, if your bleeding teo weeks before or after your common period time it's probably in recent times breakthrough bleeding or maybe you hold something else going on. But I;m sure that seeing your a virgin that your hymen is still intact. Think about it this opening if you could break it by just playing sports or person active later small girls ( children ) would have this problem, seeing that they are generally very stirring.

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Can break beside a tampon...or might not even have one to originate with or one that is to say mostly open...

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If you tore your hymen enough to label it bleed, it would at least sting a short time. It would only bleed a short time, just spots contained by your underware. You could check with a mirror. If it isn't stinging, something is up near your menstrual cycle.
You sound resembling a youngish teen, so it is possible your hormones have not settled down on the other hand. Your cycle tends not to settle down until your mid-late teens.
But if the bleeding is robust or this is really not normal for you, you inevitability to see a doctor.
Good luck sweetie.

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most of the time you will skip a time if you are very stirring in sports and enjoy low body fat or are below alot of stress. Your hymen is only something like four inches up there so it is possible to break it beside a tampon, but you would feel some liberal of pain when you inserted the tampon and would probably remove it right away. Also spotting (small amounts of blood) between period is not unheard of some woman spot when they ovulate (ovary releasing an egg) it can cause a small amount of headache and a little blood. If you enjoy alot of pain and alot of blood step to the doctor or speak with your mother.

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