how can i stick to a diet?

i am about average size but i want to start intake beter to get my shape beter that what it is and can never stick to consumption right so i can get contained by beter shape

Weight issues.?

Instead of calling it a "diet", call it "eating healthy". A lot of sticking to healthy consumption is in your herald. Of course you will want a burger and fries every now and afterwards, but as you eat more and more glowing stuff, you will want the burger and fries less and smaller number. Also try eating fit stuff all through the daytime. Like instead of eating 3 regular meal, eat 6 small meal or 4 meals and 3 snacks of fruit or veggies. Also drink lots of hose.

Sore/pinching under arm pit ?

you enjoy to know when you're full enough, and stop consumption then and if you munch through too much one day in recent times forget and start again, that wil help you be within you weight, and if you want a better numeral you must move, dance , jogg or something

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