can i get pregnant again with my endometriosis?

Well am 18 years old i enjoy a baby of 13 months outdated.They discovered my endometriosis weeks ago.They already made a laporoscopi with me and have my first injection also (Lucrin).Have to take approaching 5 more injection.Am still having backache.But am most very concerned going on for not having more babys.

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if you already was competent to have a newborn, you should have no problems trying to conceive again. i know this lady who have endometriosis, and could not conceive at all. i would right to be heard you are very blessed. because i've hear it is very hurting, and make it harder for women to conceive. also i've hear that women are usually born with this condition it doesn't purely happen overnight. it is notice around when a girl first start her period.

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get the treatment over beside before you even cogitate of that, my endometriosis turned into cancer because they had no treatments nor did anyone know what be going on with me for ages. appreciatively that was 20 yrs ago. why you want more babies i dont know, but it shouldnt hold you from pregnancy later on, you should enjoy grown up before you get pregnant though.

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I enjoy endo & tried for 7 years to fall & nearby is no logical reason why I couldn't, it simply didn't want to happen. So I give up. Endo does not stop you from being coming pregnant, but it will receive it harder for you. I had treatment for mine & I honestly cogitate it did me no good. It didn't stop it merely slowed it down. Many women go through vivacity not even knowing they have this condition, even near many pregnancies. There alot of perfect books that will help you along, do your homework & read adjectives about it. I own recently be told if you have a laprosocopy the Dr's should cut it out - NOT BURN THE LESIONS as they come put money on. Injections are ugly & regularly contain harmful hormones.again, read up on it. There is no intertwine between cancer & endo either. Best of luck....

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Lupron/Lucrin is not a cure for Endo, nor is it even an forceful pain regulation technique for many women near Endo - and it has excessive side effects contained by most patients who use it. It also has nought affect on adhesions or infertility. Your best bet is to own all the disease surgically removed. Doing so not solitary can alleviate pain and other symptoms if done properly by a skilled surgeon, but can abet infertility as well. While Endo is the ascendant cause of primary and subsidiary female infertility, here is no reason to assume that near proper treatment, you cannot conceive.

Studies show that surgical removal (such as through excision - – patients travel there from around the world) can and does increase fertility, even in stage III and IV patients. Careful and meticulous excision surgery can not merely help resolve symptoms for the long-term, but can also drastically promote infertility. The aforementioned Center has a better than 50% nouns rate in their stage 4 Endo-related infertility patients, and 75% in their stage III patients, after Endo have been treated and removed (phenomenal, considering that rates for ablation, vaporization, etc. are far lower).

Careful excision and removal of Endo can treat the infertility instead of purely going through all the expensive protocols short even trying to remove the disease. As far as vaporization, ablation, and other superficial surgical removals and medical therapy, the rates are far from 50-75% nouns and the disease will still be present to go on and grounds symptoms.

Drug therapy approaching Lupron has never be shown to reduce infertility, and while alternative/homeopathic therapy can be helpful for some women surrounded by alleviating some of the painful symptoms associated beside the disease, there enjoy not been any evidence-based studies detailing any positive impact of herbal therapy, etc. on fertility rates either. Your best bet is to wish the assistance of a true specialist who can meticulously remove the disease, thereby conferring the best possible benefits for pregnancy. A specialist will also be better suited to help you should IVF protocols become mandatory down the road as well. Good luck and best wishes.

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Get your Endometriois treatment in India .IVF treatment ,IUI,ICSI and Laparoscopic surgery is hugely cheap in India.There is one company that is to say very high-flying in India that arranges adjectives types of medical treatment andsurgery for foreigners in India.They are call the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot in the order of them in the Newspapers and in the region of their patient stories.I hold also read that they arrange financing for american and canadian patients as some of the surgery including ivf treatment is not covered by insurance.

They also have photos paste of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i one-sidedly believe that your IVF treatment can be easily handle in India as the standard of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The doctors are USA/UK trained and services are 5 star.I recently also read roughly speaking a chinese couple facilitated by forerunners healthcare be able to bring back their baby by IVF and a surrogate mother.

my cousin and her husband get their IVF treatment in India through the forerunners healthcare within India and is all praise for this company.She is a specified case of PCOS.She is a terribly happy mother of a kid boy now. She simply paid 2500 pounds for the full treatment for which she be quoted 8000 pounds in private setup contained by UK.I strongly recommend this company to you as they can be of great help to you.hope this helps

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