my aunty is suffering from pain in her right stomach and she has infection in her right kideny give reason?

heavy things are not digestable to her some times my aunty feel aching in her right side stomach please offer me reason and communicate me about the specialist contained by delhi also the phno. and address


A. The symptoms you narrate are indication for investigation for gall bladder disease, not kidney disease.
1. Is your aunt, above 40 yrs of age, podgy, and the pain is radiating from right side.
2. How do you know she have kidney infection?
First of all permit me tell you the best mode to understand and diagnose a disease is modern prescription or the so called "English medicine"

B. Please do not crash down prey to anybody suggesting some ottamuli or panacea, and harm your aunt.
C. I am not against ottamuli - the soul prescribing ottamuli has to see the lenient, evaluate the environment and then want.
D. You have no time to do adjectives these. Please take her to a fitting hospital and get the disease diagnosed.
E. Later you agree on how to treat.
1. You can use modern drugs,
2. If you have time to loaf, then you can approach the Kottakkal Aryavydyasala, New Delhi and bring back treated.
3. Ottamuli from unproven persons is not advisable surrounded by acute cases.
4. I am an ardent believer of Indian systems of medicine; however, I would never pinch risk by treating my relatives with services of unproven people.

I have my peoriod, and it hurts!is it true that i you do something to youre body that you can't hav kids?

since u mention starchy diet , i think she is have gall bladder disease. she might sum nausea too. you wud requirement to get an ultra nouns done. this wil look into the kidney troble as wel, and rule out any complicatin due t th infection . this cud be done by any resonably ok doc. though sorry i dont have any address to make a contribution. in want of operation choose a good hospital

ive be missing alot of periods this bygone year is that a sign of premenapause?

Humans only hold 1 stomach, not a left and right one.

Since i have my daughter of august of 2006 i havent had a peorid?

sometimes kidney niggle is also felt within other areas called radiating torment,does she have a doctor she can step to?

It's really itchy!?

your problem seems to be more contained by the liver.
you need to answer the following give somebody the third degree;
;are the stools mucoid
;ask her to lie down beside both knees flexed andjust dip your finger in the right side below the ribs.does she experience pain
;has she developed patch anywhere in the body
if the answer is yes it is most imagined infection of liver

in such a case you requirement to give her diet which is not spicy,infact sweet is sugarcane liquid.live52 twice daily after collation helps.

if it be to be kidney infection too she may have following symptoms;
;difficulty in micturation
;;burning urinatin
;discomfort while pressing the flanks and back on the right side.

At what age does a woman's metabolism start to slow down?

Stomach strain or bellyache may be caused due to a problem within the organs in the abdominal region including digestive system, the liver, the brass neck bladder, pancreas, the appendix and the kidney. Minor problems like gastroenteritis can do severe stomach pain, while cruel illnesses like cancer may motivation only mild torment. Please visit for more information on cause and treatment.

lower back backache what can i do?

consult a doc or may go to aiims

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