What is your opinion on abortion? Serious answers please.?


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Personally, I don't think I could hold an abortion. However, I do not feel that the Government should be involved here decision. I believe that Roe v. Wade should stand and that the right to privacy is crucial. The decision of whether or not to convey a child should be up to the woman, especially in cases of rape.

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I do not think abortions should be get something done unless it is a medical necessity.

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My feelings is this...If you can lay down and open your legs and nick the responsibility of having unprotected sex after you should be responsible enough to realize the consequences of have sex. Why kill a child b/c you screwed up. Who give you the right to decide who lives and dies.

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well i perceive that thats the most meanest thing ever. if you spread your legs and later turn up pregnant its your job to preserve that baby and lift up that baby to a women or a man. Why gain and abortion. its killing something that hasnt done nought to you. honestly i wish not a soul ever got an abortion here killing a short time baby and thats disconsolate. B/c to think going on for it what if your mother got an abortion. you wouldnt be here right in a minute living life. so agree to that baby enjoy enough go as you do.

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I believe that women should be other able to product that choice for themselves. It's between you and God----not the government.

It should never be a form of birth control. Ever.

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i don't believe within abortion for women who are fooling around or even married=however if the ultra-sound shows that the baby is highly deformed,that is allowed and saves a existence of heartache for both parents and child

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It is most definately a woman's right to choose.

I aim, the people who would requirement an abortion anyways (most of the time, not always) are not exactly the most savory in our population. We don't have need of to have folks who can't care for a child raise children and contributing to the lesser of our society.

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i think its intended for situations like rape, or incest but i dont believe it should be used as a form of birthcontrol. near are other options available

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I don't think citizens should rush to have a blanket answer for man for or against abortion. Each situation is independent and each creature as a different set of morals to influence the decision process. I get the impression that there are strong arguments for and against abortion but the best answer is the one a creature can live with if a situation presents itself to them.

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I suppose that is a choice that should be taken highly seriously. It Shouldn't be used as a woman's form of birth control. sometimes there are situations surrounded by which a baby is not right for a woman or domestic, but consideration should have be taken before mitt concerning this matter. Practicing sheltered sex should always, other take place.

Yes within are times that birth control fails, but still it is the responsibility of both party to be responsible & considerate in making this decree.

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I seriously, honestly, strongly believe that abortion is completely wrong, and not only that, it is wrong on masses, many level. It is the brutal murder of an innocent life. Do you know what they hold done? Sometimes they don't even anesthesize(sp), they just verbs it out. Sometimes they pull the little one out part by sector. Sometimes they take the child out and basically toss it onto a table until it dies. Sometimes they just rock them until they die. Sometimes they only just put it in a box and throw it away. It give me the chills and makes me want to cry whenever I deduce of an innocent child...they never did anything to cause what happenend to them and nonetheless their lives are being ripped right from them. I belive it is without doubt wrong and is not permissible underneath any circumstances, the same beside the death cost, my two favorite topics of discussion at this point. If you wanna debate (especially over the death penalty) email me!

Serious answers one and only?

i wouldnt say i hold an opinion, only just the common sense to know that abortion is murder. no ifs, ands or buts, murder, spell. if you dont feel you can guardianship for your own child then confer them up for adoption.

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what gives ancestors the right to think that they can lug a human life. if someone go out and has sex they own to face the consequences. they could jut endow with up the child for adoption, which is a much more humane choice than killing them. abortion is murder. it shouldnt be pro choice it should be pro existence.

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I think Abortion is kinda wrong but if those are going to go do it i rather see them do and put the babbys cell to something close to the stem cell research or somethng usefull then freshly killing the poor entity but the way i construe of it is that you cant change someone mind around abortions but you may be able to sustain them make near mind up about useing the babbys cell for stem cell research then put to wast.

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It depends. I would save it. That's a 99.9% chance. I love children, but when they capture to the 'Troublesome Two/ Three' I'd pull my spike out. And that .1% chance is if I achieve have NO view who is the baby's father. I do not want a child looking for his/ her dad when I, myself, don't even know who it is. It's amazingly heartbreaking. And this also goes along next to rape or incest.

And adoption is one of the choices that I think a character should think in the order of if it were a moment ago unprotected sex.

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Depends on why a woman is getting an abortion. If it's a shield rape, incest, or the life of the mother is surrounded by danger, yes, it is more than defensible in my vista.

However, if a couple, by activley having sex, gain an unwanted pregnancy, they have a moral prerequisite to either bump up the child or adopt him out. If the father wants no involvement later I would definitly advise adoption.

I will also enunciate that there is no such entry as an accidental pregnancy. Everyone know the connection between sex and child birth and as humans we do hold a choice whether we shack up or not.

That is my serious answer.

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your body your choice.
counselling would be notably recommended!
put in " abortion" contained by your search engine, check out the pattern sights and make your own verdict.

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I individually think that if you hold sex you know there is the possibility of falling pregnant and if you do you should nick responsibility for your actions. If you dont want a kid you either shouldn't enjoy sex or should be very well thought-out using every precaution possible. In the case of rape it is a impressively different story though and i think a councelor should be spoken too since a decision is made. You didn't get the decision to enjoy sex so really you didn't ask to be pregnant.
I think anyone who is thinking roughly abortion really needs to agree to a non bias professional about it formerly making a decision because once its made within is no going back.
I could ponder of nothing worse than have an abortion because i was terrified and frightend then regreting it and living beside that for the rest of my life. But this is a moment ago my opinion.

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i am pro life and i am strongly against abortion. i believe it is robbing a human mortal of their life. specifically me personally. i hold seen nation who get an abortion who are mentally nuts for the rest of their lives. it can destroy the uterus as okay some people cannot enjoy another baby again because the uterus get damaged

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Murder 1, 25 to duration take it or vacate it coulcelor, the deal have a half enthusiasm of 5 seconds... We walk to trial and the state of new york have the death penelty, I already enjoy a grand jurry...

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ooops i just read that you needed pro enthusiasm answers...wellll

I am very Pro Choice. I don't consider the government should hold any say over a woman's body. I also feel if men were the ones who could catch pregnant abortion probably be more legal. I don't reckon it should be a form of birth control, but if you did everything you could not to get pregnant..condoms pills foam...how would you surface ending up pregnant? And what in the order of all the babies born a vegatable and staying that method their whole lives..to be exact NOT a life you'd want to live. it's not even a go. And if the baby is surrounded by the womb of a meth addicted mom and it's gonna be messed up it's whole natural life that isn't fair to the toddler either. Just my thoughts

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I believe each situation is different, and hence deserves every option available, including abortion. For some, abortion is not, and never will be an choice. For others, it is the only viable option. Many inhabitants hide aft ProLife, "except in situations of rape or incest". However, if you are truly ProLife- the circumstances of conception should not concern (a life is a vivacity regardless of how it came to be). Only contained by these situations are the mother's feelings to be considered and the child's "life" disregarded? You are any ProLife or not. For me, each pregnancy, needed or not, is unique and have its own set of circumstances that warrant the need for option. A person could use adjectives the birth control in the world and still become pregnant. And person pregnant does mean that a personality is willing or competent to carry that fetus to possession in a full-bodied manner (especially if it is unwanted) within order to place for adoption. If is far better for the unborn child and mother to cancel early contained by order to avoid further condition risks and complications due to lack of consideration either because of finances, shortage of motivation to seek prenatal guardianship, mental illness or depression brought on by the unwanted pregnancy, drug treat roughly or alcohol use by the mother prior to knowing she was pregnant or after knowing and not charitable because she is unable to control the addiction and so sick to bond with the unborn fetus. The shortage of support for these women only add to the necessity of giving them the option to abort so that we don't contribut further to their decline or instigate a decline of a thriving youthful woman. And what about the father? Nobody discussions about his responsibility contained by this issue. Perhaps if there be more men willing to step up and be responsible, women would perceive they had support satisfactory to continue the pregnancy and get to term. Yet, you hear more of the father encouraging women to abort. More than just the victims of incest and rape involve these options. All women should be treated equally, as should all of the fetuses. They are ALL lives, or they are NOT. Whichever you believe, I reckon it should be consistent throughout- you shouldn't get to pick and choose who get forgiven and who gets condemned. Good luck next to your paper.

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