Infertility & ovulation?

Infertility & ovulation?
Some one just told me that if a being is having a problem beside infertility she will not ovulate, is this true?

Vaginal hysterectomy?

Infertility is much more than a woman not ovulating. If a woman does not ovulate then she is infertile (unable to conceive). However, several women that are dealing with infertility do ovulate, but hold other problems and are unable to conceive.

Infertility is described as the inability to conceive (get pregnant) after one year of have well timed, unprotected intercourse. To speak it another way, if a couple is not using any form of birth control at adjectives, always have intercourse at least every three days, and does this for one year and pregnancy does not arise, then any the male, feminine or both have a fertility problem. In give or take a few 30% to 40% of cases it is male factor infertility, in another 30% to 40% of cases it is womanly factor infertility, and in 20% to 30% of cases it is both partners that are infertile. In give or take a few 10% of cases there is no particular medical reason for the couple's inability to conceive (unexplained infertility).

I hope that this help to answer your question.

PLEAS!? Is it ok to!?

Not necessarily. A fertility problem between a couple can be 40% her problem, 40% of the time it's his problem, and 20% it's both or unknown. If a woman have infertility problems, it might be that her tubes are the problem, that she's ovulating but the tubes prevent sperm from reaching the egg or that the egg doesn't reach the uterus, just as an example. There are profusely of other problems, too, that might come up, so it's not just ovulation.

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