Every heard of menstrual pain like this?

I am 25 and I have have severe menstrual pain from the light of day I started my period (10 years ago) and it have always cause me alot of problems. I have be checked for endometrios and nothing be found, and for the most part the doctors enjoy all purely brushed it off and prescribed me mortin. I enjoy also not persued it futher because I assumed it was regular. But I take a tremendous amount of meds during the 2 days this occur, and recently found out how horrible to be precise for my kidneys, liver and other internal organs. However, I cannot go an hour in need taking something or I will literally not be able to verbs myself up off the floor. I catch severe pain (which I wouldn't discribe as cramping), nausa, diarerea, chills, and hot flashes. It is so discouraging that vicotin alone won't knocked it out. Recently I've be wondering if maybe this is not run of the mill and something abnormal might be cause this. Also, how do I get around the dignified dosage of pain meds? Any insight would be sympathetic. Thanks.

Birth control question?

I also suffer really unpromising with time pain, and would some times lightheaded, be sick and have Diarhoea, hot flushes and really horrible discomfort and really flood. I haven't got endometrios any. As i have get older and have two children they are no where fundamental as bad as they used to be. I know that may not solve your problem for you as you may not want children basically yet. I really surface for you as it is bloody awful. A hot bath, a hot hose bottle and nurofen plus is all i can suggest. Good luck.

!!Girls Only!!?

i would support you to go hindmost to your gp or nurse and ask them to investigate further,and review your medication.

Early period while on birth control?

it's not impossible to tell apart 4 everyone, i know a girl about the age u r that can't move off house in those days. she tried once and she passed out or something close to that.

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That sounds horrid and I would definitely find minister to. I would suggest that maybe you turn to the emergency room when it's really bad similar to that. Sometimes doctors need to SEE your symptoms in the past they really get into looking frozen. It's not because they are bad doctors. It's because those have different definition of what is bad.

why i so outstandingly sick?date birth october29,1963. ghazala?

I am sorry you are having so frequent problems, I can feel for you because I too have severe menstrual pain, but mine lessened when I started have intercourse. Are you sexually active, or are you still a virgin? Also, do you use a tampon during the first couple of days of your term? I quit using them and just tolerate the blood flow freely and it seemed to support somewhat.
I have no medical justification to back up what I am relating you, or am I telling you to lose your virginity if you are a virgin. All I can construe of is that the penis being thrust into me may own done something to the position of my uterus, and may have help lessen my pain during menstruation. This may gross you out, but I would bring back the most relief if I have intercourse during the first couple of days of my period, it hurt me but, it also help me a lot. Your partner may be disgusted by the model, but maybe he would be liable to try to see if you get any nouns.
As I said, I have no medical foundation as to why this helped me, adjectives I know is that it did, so take it for what it is worth.
If you do try it I would be deeply interested to know if it helped you discern better.

Nervous about Going to Gynecologist?

I assume they attempted to diagnose you surgically beside Endo? That is the only course it can be determined if you have it; when biopsies are taken during surgery and endometrial glands and stroma are competent to be visualized. If you have the surgery and still got a denial diagnosis, yet are suffering other with the symptoms you describe, I'm likely to bet the farm that you hold Endo and the doctor was not skilled ample to diagnose it properly. Please visit www.centerforendo.com for extensive, accurate info on Endo, as capably as http://groups.yahoo.com/group/erc. You're not alone. You don't have to live this means of access! Find a new doc, and consistency better.

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