How to console someone who had a miscarriage?

My friend, that I have agreed for 12 years had a miscarriage belated last year. She simply recently told me because it happen about a week after I have a miscarriage. I feel awful for her because presently she is convinced she won't be able to hold children because of this and some other problems she has have. How can I console her-I knew she be depressed but I couldn't get her to make clear to me why. She is still struggling with her loss, and I only just want to help. She have never been one to articulate about her problems or emotion, and it's really tough to try to get her to express anything. I love her close to a sister and all I want to do is backing her. How can I do this?

Menstrual question ?

I also suffered a miscarriage surrounded by my past, I looked-for someone to talk to, primarily my husband, but unfortunately he's not really like, he didn't want to talk at adjectives about it, he newly wanted to pretend we be never pregnant in the first place next to that baby.

Recently his sister miscarried her vastly first pregnancy. I knew how I feel and figured I'd tell to her because she's probably feeling in recent times like how I feel. Unfortunately for me, she's just close to my husband.she thanked me as expected for the gesture of reaching out to her but said to me this isn't the worst point to happen to her (which really blew me away, since something similar to that is the worst I can meditate of and I've been through alot of fruitless things starting from when I was label a long story short my real mother give me up for adoption because I'd been the result of an affair she have and her husband gave her the choice...any he goes or the babe she's carrying does). She just looked-for me to act close to she was never pregnant to get going with.

My point is, adjectives women are different. Some want to be consoled and will let you console them but some merely want you to leave them alone because that's what help them deal beside something like this.

Since she's not self open near you (wanting to be consoled), just do what you other do as a there when she desires you for anything and if she ever brings up the subject about the miscarriage consequently it's okay for you to talk give or take a few it with her. She may simply need rather more time to herself right now so purely be there when she's organized to talk or anything. Just product sure to remind her you're there for her and preserve being positive if she brings up she'll never own any children, keep letting her know that lots of women hold suffered the same and they DO hold babies after this happens to them.

Since have a colposcopy done just over a month ago, due to ongoing gynae problems next to endometriosis.?

My mom had 11 miscarriages earlier she had me. She thought she'd never hold children. (The doctor told her so.)

Tell her to keep trying!

How heaps days is normal for my extent to be late?

idk much nearly it but my mom had 2 misscarriages and immediately has 3 kids if that help, good luck !

No Condom?

My sister have had 3 miscarriages and respectively have be heartbreaking. All you can do is be their for her. You can't say anything that will create the hurt go away.
Don't try to explain it or utter..."it wasn't ment to be" that does not help.
Just be nearby.


See how she feels on a day by day basis, see if your friend brings the subject up-(if she seem don) maybe you should start the subject-the lone thing you can really do is BE THERE FOR HER...

Good luck-time will make clear to...

Can you tell?

Don't be overly nice to that personage, try to get her to settle about it benevolently. You could always volunteer to dance to the doctors with her and find out for SURE that she might or might to be capable of have anymore children.

You own my condolences.

Sex question.?

Just be in attendance for her bringing it up may drudge up bad memories,Console her by self a good friend and treating her economically,and if she wants to sermon about it consequently just hold an open and frank discussion,communicate her how broken hearted you are for her,but dont attempt to buy her things or anything to make up for her miscarriage,that would be sort of extraordinary.


The last article she needs is to stay home. My friend have a miscarriage last year too. I took her to a faint park so she could get a breath of fresh nouns. I didnt make her homily, she slowly started to come around. I took her like once a week and respectively time she would talk more. The first time we a short time ago sat on some swings close to little kids and didnt talk for resembling 2 hours.

Long Period?

Just tell her how sorry you are to hear of this, that you know what she is intuition, and are willing to listen anytime she wants to vent. Remind her that this wasn't her fault. God freshly had different plans... he needed this child for some other drive, and although it is unclear right in a minute as to what that plan could be, the fact he chose this child make the child super special. She could always try again next, when she feels more comfortable or she could adopt. Hope is not completely lost.

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