Is size 12 considered fat?

I am 5'6 and a size 12. Im also 15 years old, and like mad of girls my age are stick thin. I turn to a pretty small school and theres with the sole purpose a couple of "bigger" girls at my school and Im told constantly by guys at arts school they think im lubricant. at the beggining of the school year i thought of my body as average, but presently i think im totally plump as the years progressed. my self esteem is pretty much shot too, does anyone think i should transmute my body and lose the weight or stay the process i am?

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The average woman is about 5'4" soaring and wears between size 12 and 14. At 5'6", you are probably a awfully healthy counterweight for your height. Some of the other girls you be in motion to school near are not fully developed yet. Some are freshly those people who are genetically see-through. Some may be the 'diet until I look like skeleton' girls.

Don't assess yourself by information you get from guys your age. Their with the sole purpose experience with women is from internet porn and watching Hanna Montana. They don't know squat in the order of how a REAL healthy woman's body is supposed to look.

What can i do if i havn;t goten my perod since january and im solitary 19 and took ept to check but nothing serve !

NO! you're not fat! a size 12 is below average, and the "guys" who kind fun of you would make fun of skinny population if everyone was your size (not that you're fat). :-)

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Okay. First don't listen to what everyone else say about you. Its give or take a few what you feel around your body. It really isnt about your size jeans that can report to if you happy. I enjoy a website that you can check out that only you know the results to. Its called checking your BMI(Body Mass Index). You will stipulation to know your weight and this should backing you just check the relation below.

Hope I helped!

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Size 12 is NOT by any finances fat. Maybe you are the solely one that is developed and if truth be told has a integer instead of the pencil sticks walking around your school. Do NOT transfer yourself for anyone! I would rather be a size 12 afterwards a size 2-7 anyday! Stick thin girls look desease infested and ailing. Someone around your weight (considdering your size in clothes) are the ones that will own a beautiful womanly amount. So no.. Stay you, stay beautiful!

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Please believe me when i read out this: People will ALWAYS try to say things to put others down to spawn themselves feel better. It have absolutely nil to do with you. You are not podgy or average you are special because you are you and there will never be another! Next time one of these idiots say something to you to try and put you down tell em that greed is a terrible disease and you hope they carry well soon!

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No, you are not fat! I watch America's Top Model last hours of darkness and I was disgusted that they call girls who were not margarine at all (but lately not stick thin approaching the rest of them) full figured.. What is our world coming to! Be bright and breezy with who you are! Eat good, remember that treats are OK once in a while, and savour your teen years! =) If it makes you grain better, fashion say that the so called "perfect" body is 5'10 and 110. Give me a break! They would be partially dead and look resembling a walking stick bug!

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im 5"6 and size 12
it not fat dont listen too everyone else
surrounded by the long run they are probably jealous stale you

Women ONLY..please!!?

Not your not fat at adjectives actually size 12 is the size to be a plus size model n in attendance not fat any. Those guys are tryna really put you down dont let them. Be contented with who you are

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Can't expect you to 'not listen' to them, because you will, i would too, people are within denial because they would feel awkward going on for it too

if you look at yourself and say 'damn im out of shape" or "i inevitability to lose some pounds" thats when you should do it,
not because some guys said something about your cargo

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see a doctor if you are still not confident in yourself

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First of all, size 12 is NOT tubby by any means and don't ever quality like you stipulation to change for anyone else. People who put you down are the those that really need to lug a look at themselves, and actually they probably already enjoy and they don't like what they see most plausible because someone, at some point, told them THEY weren't good satisfactory. People put other people down because of their own self-esteem issues a majority of the time so you really shouldn't tolerate it bother you. Like you said before, you thought you be fine until they said that you weren't so why change how you regard as to how they think.

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Your not fat within the least bit.And everybody find those sticks sexy. I should know. It my university i get picked on to for person "bigger". And then in attendance is some who think I'm magnificently the way i am. those are the accurate people surrounded by life that you want to be friends next to any how.

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Most girls your age don't enjoy any curves yet. I unquestionably didn't. I was 5'8" 110 lbs until I be nearly 20 years old, and completely self concsious nearly it! Oh how I longed for some boobs... Be glad that you got your T&A nearer than me. =) I didn't develop any curves until I started taking birth control pills when I turned 20. Oh, and here's a tip from my husband: men like girls of adjectives shapes and sizes. As he put it--a boob is a fun toy, no matter what it looks close to! Confidence in your body make you exude an aura of beauty.

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You've already received lots great, and I hope reassuring, answers to your press. I just want to reaffirm it adjectives ! The size your wear is considered "average" for being 5'6. So this is not contaminated and it's certainly not flabby. You can be rail skinny and not be in polite physical health--regular exercise and staying fit as well as doing positive things in your vivacity and relationships are the real aspects that form you so much more than "average". Please know, and I realize at 15, it can be difficult sometimes, that those who have distrustful things to say roughly you, are feeling down on themselves and they lately want to bring others down with them. Please try to keep hold of that in mind when they're mortal cruel. Be good to the familial and friends who love and care for the existing you and find joy contained by all explicitly good within your life. You nouns like a wonderful girl (inside and out)and I sincerely decision you well.

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