Are UTI's serious? should i go to a doctor or wait?

last time i had one i completed up just waiting it out.. i don't enjoy time on me to go see a gyno, but how earth-shattering is it to go see a doctor?

Irregular Period?

You don't own to see a gyno for a UTI, you can see your family practice doc...but DO see a doc. The "I" surrounded by UTI stands for INFECTION. That is NEVER something to take delicately.

Get thee to a doc asap...take contemplation of you! We always hold time to do the things that are important to us...taking strictness of your health/body should be one of those things!

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You entail to go to the doctor. If it is vanished untreated it can turn into a kidney infection, and then the subsequent stop is a blood infection - which will hospitalize you. Trust me - sepsis is NOT fun!

I had a kidney infection that sent me to the hospital beside a 105 degree hallucination as well.

One entry you can do to prevent UTI's all together is taking cranberry pills everyday. I used to get a UTI every 3 months no event what I did...but since I've started taking cranberry pills I haven't gotten a UTI in 6 months.

Good luck and I hope you start feeling better!

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Yes, UTI's can be Very Serious. You should aim Medical Attention.

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If the infection spreads to your kidneys you could damage them.
Get checked out!

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UTI's do not travel away on their own and need to be treated. Left untreated they can spread to your kidneys and/or blood stream cause serious problems. You do not need to see a GYN doc to get hold of this checked and treated. Go to urgent care presently and ask to be seen. They will question paper your urine and give you meds to backing take attention of it. Why risk kidney problems by not treating it and ending up surrounded by the hospital. If you think you don't hold time to see a doc now how will you feel being surrounded by sick and in the hospital?

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its verrrry important. once you've have it once, you're very prone to getting them again and again. gone untreated the infection can spread up through your bladder, into your other organs. infections are always bad- theyre attacking your body. not here alone they can just expand and obtain worse. you dont have to see a gyn by the agency. ive had them and ive gone to the regular doc for it. you basically tell them your symptoms, they check ur urine and dispense you antibiotics that u take for 3 days. within my experience they start working after just soon. girl just do it!

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you HAVE to attain antibiotics. you if you let the infection progress out of control you can extremity up with permanate kidney prejudice. if you continue doing this you may eventually conclude up with kidney disappointment. all you obligation to do is go to a step in clinic and pee in a cup. they will present you antibiotics and you will be fine. you do not want to end up beside pyelonephritis, its so much worse.

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Dear GC:
sorry, waiting for what?
It is true that most urinary tract infectionbs are quite frequent within the female group within general (the childlike group is more prone to it), it woul be unwise to start a treatment empirically, out of the blue, and can even be hazardous.
Before deciding what is the subsequent step. a repeated UTI in a immature fenale, is not simply due to contamination from the anal aream bu also to dircard any abnormalities that can be found surrounded by structures such as Bargolin glands (mucous glkands in the vagina), inflamation of the cervix etc.
You must see a doctor I am afraid

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