can my daughters period affect my own?

I am 35 years old and out of 5 children i own 1 daughter. Since she started her period I enjoy noticed that mine have been more screwd up . Now adjectives of a sudden I have a ordinary period (not complaining gone from a 13 light of day period to a 5 to 7 morning period ) but, I am worried that I am starting menopause. I already hold hot flashes and night sweats. I am hoping that my daughter have just upset my hormones but, I newly have not hear of such a thing.

Sex At 12?

Often girls and women who live closely next to one another get their menstrual period around the same time. It's sometimes call "menstrual synchrony."

Synchronized menstruation is not understood completely. Many researchers muse it has to do near substances called pheromones. Pheromones are fluent chemicals that are emitted as odors from the body, although we are usually unmindful of actually smelling them. Pheromones affect several different aspects of our sexuality, including menstrual cycles and sexual attraction. It is believed that women living very closely near one another — such as spending lots of time by sharing a bedroom or room in a dorm — are affected unconsciously by the a range of pheromones they release during different phases of their fertility cycles. Their cycles may become more and more similar over time. There are also other theories for why this happens.

Even though it is not completely inherent, it is not unusual for women who live together to have their period around the same time — sisters, mothers and daughters, and close friends — are possible to have their period around the same time if they live together.

I have a bilateral mastecomy last august and very soon feel primed for reconstrucion how do i talk to my gp just about it?

It could be your daughter. When ever I move into a houseshare my periods take in sync witih the other women.
Scientists expect it is to do with pheremones that we cloak that have an effect on other women.
Be appreciative you don't have five girls!

Havent have a period since january.whats wrong?

yes. it's call entrainment

Do you have any tips for preventing yeast infections?

yes..that's exceptionally certainty yours can change so that you guys own it at about impossible to tell apart time.

How can i shorten my period/lighten it?

No, there is no such item that her menstrual cycle would affect yours. You are probably right about the commencing stages of menopause, go to your inherited doctor and they can better help you.

Now when living next to other females you do tend to become in sync next to your periods but that's because you live your lives in the region of the same instrument. Example: you wake up around impossible to tell apart time, go to bed around one and the same time, eat around like peas in a pod time and eat in the region of the same things.

My friend say that taking a bath at darkness can adversely affect my true is this.?

No relation .

What do the letters after respectively bra size stand for or mean?

sometimes if a numbe of wmane live ot gether contained by the sasme space thier mentualal cyclesbe c0em the same. / butit wouold hold more than just yopuand your daughter . prbably only just a natural cylce forming .
and presently forthe discalimer .
if you experince other problems se such as sever ctramps, diahhrea nusauea evt and othr out of odr dinary stuff i am a guy so I can make a guess or toww hail as yopurob gyn and set up a apointment . if you are feeling extreamly bleak go to a ER

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