I haven't had my period in 3 months!! Help?

I am 13 never had sex. live beside my dad and brother, don't have masses older women to parley to so this is my last resort. I requirement help. I own REALLY sort periods no longer than 2 to 3 days. And my end period be in January. so yeah THREE months, since my ending one. I need facilitate on info, I usally skip around, like it used to be time of year 2months then a time of year again it was that stencil. Most of my friends haven't had their time and if they have they enjoy never had proplems. so I'm stuck.HELP ME. and I have need of to cure my self without relating my father I'm not all that close to him. he doesn't even know I have a period earlier.

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It is markedly common to hold irregular periods for the first few years. You may even walk several months with a pale period, skip a month, and after, BAM! You get grisly cramps, heavy bleeding and it last for 10 days the next time. Believe it or not, most women don't hold regular periods, ever. Just relax! Stress, exercise, medication, diet and your weight adjectives affect your period. At 13, I'm guessing you scarcely weigh 100 lbs, the minimum weight crucial before the body will open menstruation.

I had like problem when I first started. By the time I was 16, they finally evened out. Don't verbs unless you don't get a time for 6 months or more, or unless you have sex (PLEASE loaf! I see too many girls your age that are pregnant). If so, see your domestic doctor. (Tell your Dad that you want to see the doc about your interval. He'll take you!!)

If you still want to talk to someone, homily to your best friend's cool Mom or older sister. Or try a cousin, your grandma or aunt. All women go through the same piece you are going through right now, and they remember have the same question and wished someone have helped them. So dont be afraid to ask!

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It is okay, don't worry. Sometimes when you are really childlike, your period isn't regular. Yes the things you added can make happen you to have irregular menses, especially low body freight.

PMS anyone?

if you are not pregnant, then are you dieting? Go to GP for a check up hon.

Somethings lately not right?

c a doc

i'am 42yrs old and i freshly had my spell a week ago and i'am still spotting what could be the problem?



well if you are sexually active the measurable reason may be why, but if you are not your body is probably simply starting to regulate your cycle. A girl/woman's period will be irregular for the first year or two and its completely typical.

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Peter co. There are many reason a young gal does not hold periods, you could be short on iron, you could be underneath stress, you could have a hormone problem. Please ask you DAD to set you up a docotors appointment next to a gynecologist. A young girl should hold one anyway. If you cannot go that process please ask you school nurse to comfort you. The best of luck. You are not going to figure this out yourself please ask for some help out.

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That is so unnatural. It's not normal at adjectives! Just go to the nearest public hospital/clinic as soon as you can short telling to anyone and consult to a doctor/nurse about it. They will be more than glad to help out and check what's going on. That's the only road you will stop beating around the bush and will own a good/ professional answer.
Good luck :)

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well permit me tell you..it is approaching that when you first start out..i was similar to that ...i started for the first time and then didnt start again for a long time and after the dr suggested that i get on birth control ( not for sexual reasons) to formulate my periods more programmed...and it works ...now my neice is going through like peas in a pod thing she only turned 13 and she had her first and consequently nothing else afterward...im not sure if the right entity to do is to put her on bcp but it worked for me...i could tell you when i be going to start and at what time..

Peroid pain?

You are ripened enough that you inevitability to start seeing an OBY/GYN or at least your home doctor.don't worry roughly speaking your friends..do yourself a great favor and see someone NOW..YOU will just own to tell your dad that you entail to have some checkups or a physical..or merely flat out tell him your problem....don't tolerate this go.


Many immature girls, especially when they first begin menstruating can own very irregular period, often skipping months or almost not spotting. If you have not have sex, then I would not be concerned at this point. Even at 24, my period only later 2-3 days, so that may be quite commonplace (and lucky) for you. Try not to worry to much roughly it. In time, it will begin to become more run of the mill and predictable.

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ha i went thru equal thing! im 21 and mine still fluctuates similar to that as well. lots of things correct it up... especially like sports or working out... during basketball season i might hold had 2 period the whole time... losing solidity is also a big factor... if u lose or gain weight... that change it alot too... smaller girls have smaller number periods and smaller number severe periods... unflustered down... its not that big of a deal.. as u receive older... they will become more... reliable. BUT if u own pain or discharge or other probability signs u should probably go to a gynocologist... or even resembling a local clinic if ur trying to not let ur dad find out...


You are childish and the hormones in your body are going crazy. Even elder woman do not get their perods sometimes. It is not deviant and you don't have to cure yourself. Are you doing any sports? Many feminine athletes do not get their period. You could go on the internet and revise more about your perod by probing under menstral cycle of woman. There should be lots of info and again you are enormously young. If you consistency comfortable you could ask the school nurse or a guru you trust or maybe someone at church.

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Don't verbs, for the first 3 years of your period you'll find that it's drastically irregular, and this is completely normal. Your body wishes time to adjust. Meanwhile just maintain a respectable diet and don't drink too much cold stuff. If you're really worried get your dad to bring you to a doctor, and they'll offer you some meds to help your body adjust.
angelic luck :)

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Stop freakin' out..your too young-looking to have a regular time of year. most young woman who own the same issue progress onto birth control to regulate it. Your Fine!

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try chitchat to your teacher or your mother.promise her not to report to your dad.she will understand you she have you.in the beginnig your period will skip around then they will start becoming conventional .like period lasting for 5 -7 days.thank god your spell is 2-3 days wish mine be and i'm 33 years old.

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at your age, i believe non regular period are common. but check out webmd.com, that might support. but on a personal note. theres no motivation for your father not to realize your growing up. fathers are a in one piece lot more helpfull and caring than most thirteen year mature girls think.

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my friend think that milk is contained by womans breast even when they're not pregnant.a?

If you didnt have sex don't verbs at your age it some times stops from tension a cold tons little things.When it starts again it may be lots don't worry consequently.If you still worried you can ask your school nurse or scool counsel i.e. what they there for.Or relay your dad you would like to budge to dr. for a women thing.If you did zilch he cant get barmy.

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My thoughts for you are based on the certainty that you have never have sex and that you are not pregnant:

My first suggestion to you is to see a physician, preferably a gynecologist. A family doctor would be OK, as capably, especially if you feel more comfortable discussing this next to him / her.

My second advice is base on how long ago you began menstruating (when be your menarchy -- your first time you had a period)? If it wasn't that long ago, it may simply be your body adjust to your hormones -- if that's the case, you could dally some time and determine if this lapse of time (3 months) is something unusual or something that your body will adjust to.

If you are very busy and rather restricted, this could also cause you to enjoy no periods for reasonably some time. Your diet and other factors also stipulation to be considered. However, not knowing this, I would still suggest that you speak with a professional so that adjectives factors affecting your condition can be tested.

Don't verbs at this point -- it may be (and probably is) absolutely nil. BUT, if you don't follow up on it, that may cause more alarm ... you will be glad after you hold spoken to a physician!

Good luck ... you could also speak with a academy counselor, or someone who is more knowledgeable just about your situation (other than your friends who are of similar age).

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First, you obligation to understand that it take your body a few years after your first period to adjust to it's new role, and until that time, your cycle will be irregular.

However, surrounded by order for your body to function properly, you necessitate a certain amount of body solid, and you need to hold a certain amount of natural fat contained by your diet. I wonder if you're getting that.

Do you have an elder female relative to have a chat to? If so, just do so. If not, how more or less talking next to your school nurse (a polite idea anyway) or next to a teacher that you trust or near the mother of a friend. You do need to do this.

You also stipulation to tell your father both that you've reach menarche and that you feel you're have problems It doesn't matter that you don't be aware of close to him. He's your father and he has a moral, financial and allowed responsibility to and for you. You can use this time and the rest of your teenaged years to heal what you quality to be the rift between the two of you, and that can't start too soon. If you can't mend that rift, if you can't learn again to trust your father, you will never know how to trust any man at any time in your natural life. That's too important a relationship to shame.

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Over exercising and not ingestion right can lead to missed period. I would go to a counselor at institution and ask them for help. Ask your professor. I wouldn't be too concerned about it right immediately, as long as you said you haven't had sex. Some girls newly have a problem next to their periods and that's newly normal for them. Is within any other woman in your own flesh and blood that you can talk to?

im im fell light head, tired especially at work, always hungry but my time of year was 4 time late and i have no?

From: www.kotex.com

Hi. Welcome to the Q and A part of the site. Here's a arbitrary to get answers to your question without in fact having to ask them clearly. There's also a list of other resources at the stop of the section. If you're still thirsting for awareness, talk near a parent, teacher or other trusted fully fledged.

* When will I get my first time?
* Good question. Most girls draw from their first period between the ages of 9 and 16. Most funds the majority - not everyone will fall into this category. Anyway, it follows the nouns of breasts, hips, waist, pubic hair, and a growth spurt. Put those clues together and they usually supply up to imminent time of year alert. In addition, a girl will repeatedly weigh at least 100 pounds since menstruation begins. Genetics also plays a role. If possible, find out when your mom get her first period to obtain an estimate of when yours may arrive.
* What will happen when I grasp my first period?
* Usually a first time is very fluffy. It will probably be a few spots of bright red blood or a brown sticky stain that shows up on your underpants. If you are out in public and don't have a wipe with you, don't hysterics. Remain calm. This is a time when true feminine bonding occurs. Hopefully, your mother or other developed relative will be close by and can supply you with a feminine product. If not, try Plan B. Ask a friend or other woman if she have a pad. It's a well-kept clandestine that every woman at some time in her vivacity has have to ask another woman for a pad. Yes, it's degrading, but you can rely on other women to see you through this situation. And in adjectives honesty, first periods be designed really well because it is usually so little that it won't creep through to your outer clothes.
* How long will my period ultimate?
* Everyone is different. It can last between two and seven days. Most girls own it for about five days.
* What should I do when I get hold of my first period?
* In incorporation to what's covered above, it's a good concept to have feminine products set for that first period, and to know how to use them. (See the Kotex products clause of our site for more information about these products.)
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For Dads and Brothers and boyfriends…

Is this regular? r u skipping a month or what?? please HELp?

It's ok. You are still young, your body might be going through hormonal change. As a result of that your cycle changes. I own that same problem and been have it since I was 10. The difference is when I do own my period I own it for like two months straight. Just consult your doctor and he/she may support you himself/herself or recommend a special doctor. Brace yourself,they may ask you if you are sexually active, they sure be asking me every time I visited for times past 7 years. They told me that everything will completely balance out when I enjoy children. The doctors may run a blood test or an ultra nouns if you allow them, Just to see if you are physically ok. In the end when you turn out fine, they will only prescribe something To make you symmetry out. Good luck. I hope you feel better.

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