Somethings just not right...?

I had my time of year two weeks late and it last for three days like usual.But right after that I be having horrible sharp pains in my stomach, bladder,sides, underneath my rib cage, my hip bone [my hip bone also feel like it be being cut into near a kinfe] ,three inches above my belly button, and my chest, I was dizzy, tired, other in affliction, bloated after I ate anything,lost my appetite, felt sick surrounded by my throat and chest [not stomach] and I thought it was my GERD symptoms returning.This adjectives lasted for a week, later my period returned again a week then,this time it lasted 11 days and it be heavy. Anemia? Anyone enjoy any ideas?
My mom wont appropriate me to the doctor by the way...

Why cant i make an orgasm?

Need to see a dr. could be related to period may not.

Why should my due money go towards state-funded non-medical abortions?

Have you have sex? If so it could be possible that you could have gotten pregnant. Severe vertebrae pain and bleeding could be a tubal pregnancy. If you hold had sex you obligation to speak to your mom and let her know. It is totally irresponsible of her to refuse permission for to take you to the doctor.

Help me please?

This could be so copious things, I don't know where you live and I know you said your not have sex, but you could go to planned motherhood, they can help near all kind of female problems, they can bestow you a note for college and it is all kept confidential the arts school and planned parenthood can not detail your mother. Or maybe discuss to the nurse at your school. Good Luck.

how long do you own to stop working for if you have pid?

Yes, your mother is right.

There is nil in what you've described that sounds right and you do greatly much need to see a doctor. The sooner, the better.

Birth control pills?

try this relationship. you could have a cyst or fibrosis. i don't know, but you should be doing research, it could be fruitless and it could be nothing, but try your best to find out.

don't try self diagnose, but if you find something that have all the symptoms, let somebody know your mom. but i still think that you should specifically see a doctor.

Signs !!?

Sounds very serious. You hold to see a doctor, if your mother won't take you you call for to discuss it with the conservatory nurse. Tell her what's going on and that your mother won't take you to the doctor. She should know how to find a way to assistance you. This sounds like endometriosis, which can be thoroughly serious if it isn't taken care of soon. (It affects your skilfulness to have children.) Go capture checked out, and best of luck to you.

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