Do you think I have hyperthyroidism?

Most of the women in my relatives are really thin and underweight. I am no exception. I other thought it was of late because of genes, but I recently read up give or take a few hyperthyroidism and I'm wondering if all of us own it. I get a physical exam every year next to a blood test and my doctor never said anything in the region of it.

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6 minutes ago
I just asked my mom going on for it. She said she thought she had hyperthyroidism so she get the doctor to check it out and she came out average. Does that mean I don't hold it (since I think the disease is hereditary) and we are only a thin home?

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A simple blood test will hand over you the answer. But, it is probably hereditary. Most of my mothers relatives tend to be overweight and so am I. Yet my father had amazingly low blood pressure and cholesterol and so do I. Believe me, I would rather be on the transparent side than heavy side.

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The best course to know is to get tested.
So lots disease, so many symptoms. oodles diseases can have equal symptoms. Only a blood test will bring up to date.
Good luck!

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Why would you post this give somebody the third degree on the internet? Did you assume medical professionals will be among those reading your question? Diagnosis doesn't transpire on the internet. If you want a proper diagnosis first research the condition and then budge into your doctor to have a full conversation and ask him to make the necessary test.

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Your blood test have to be quite specific within the area of thyroidism.

There come across to be two types - hyper and hypo.

My daughter who is now 32 be diagnosed with Hashemotos disease after various years of Drs. messing around, until eventually they did thorough blood tests.

I surmise hers is hypo, but I always forget which one - she is not emaciated, instead over a 12 month period she go from a size 12 to a size 16 and then rear down again.

She is on a drug called Thyroxcene and have to have blood test monthly to test her level.

Unless you have other symptoms, conceivably the Dr. is right, but I would suggest that you maybe receive another opinion to put your mind at rest.

PS: The sizes mentioned above, are Australian sizes and I do not know how to convert to the sizing in other countries.

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