
I have be feeling so depressed lately. I get the impression so alone. I go to college, I do not work, but I am looking for a opportunity. I really don't have any friends. I guess me not taste the town that we just moved isn't helping. What shoud I do. I only see no point to many things in a minute.

Mooncups - opinions?

Put a smile on and look forward to the better things in energy. I know that it's hard to quality like you're alone, similar to you don't have friends. But I guarantee that several people love you. It sucks that you simply moved, maybe away from a town you be more comfortable in? And I know it's not easy to start over, but sometimes in go that what you have to do contained by order to verbs.

Makes some goals that you can look foward to achieve. Try playing a new sport and invite some society along with you to sort new friends. It sounds strong, doesn't it? Trust me though, that's like free dream therapy for you heart. Get your mind off of complicated things for a while.

If you inevitability to talk some more, here's my email address:
[email protected]

Everything in your existence has a point, you newly have to find it. =)

Post-natal sex?

Sounds resembling situational depression.

It sounds like you have need of a friend.

Is there anything that you similar to to do?

Example - theater, you could join a community play later you would meet population. Don't worry if you cannot perform or are to shy to perform contained by front of people, they other need relief back stage.
Reading - near are usually on campus book clubs you could look at joining one of those.
If you are going to college, there are probably other population that are new in attendance too, and feeling equal as you.
Go to the admin office and see what undertakings they have for incoming students.
They probably own something that you like (you don't hold to be head over heal on the subject, sometimes you just requirement to get started somewhere).

It is rugged to be the "new kid".

Hang contained by there and step out and try somethings.

Anybody can sit at home and feel sorry for themselves, be special - go and get out there and do something going on for it.

Take care.

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