My wife is 49 and gets extreme migraine headaches. Any ideas to help are greatly appreciated!?

She's tried a myriad of things such as analgesics like Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Excedrin. Also, tried special vitamins, niacin progesterone cream. Not sure if its hormonal or not because within does not seem to be a specific shape. Thanks in credit for any suggestions.

I am 12 years old and i enjoy white discharge?

There's a new nouns in migraine psychiatric therapy:


imitrex works (prescription)

how can i regulate my irregular periods? i want to achieve pregnant and that has be troubling me?

u should REALLY see the doctor
some ppl have headache cuz they sewed on a wig .
but within her case u should really ask a doctor cuz ppl mite pass u worng advice

What is the pill beside the code M145?

Happy Wife Happy Life take her on a break.

Pain and bleeding?

Maybe is menopause?

I still have my spotting due to my term, i undergoe with papsmear it doesnt affect the results?

Unless she have always have them its probably a menopause thing. But, I thieve Excedrin Migraine when I get the restrained sensitivity or an aura (light dance surrounded by one eye) If OTC does not work, take her to ER subsequent time she gets one and they will start her on injections. When I get hold of mine or think I am around to-I take the pills, lay down within a dark room and skulk, mine goes away contained by 20 minutes.

Endometrial ablation?

My mom took me to a doctor for migraines he prescribed "Butterbru" and I take a powernap when I feel one coming on and sometimes they travel away.

Is this normal?

If she drinks regular milk, grasp her off of that fast. That causes horrible migranes surrounded by addition to a in one piece bunch of problems.Especially caffeine.Stop taking those over the counter medications. That will be really desperate for her liver and can cause liver deface.

please read: "Natural cures"They" Dont want you to know." by Kevin Trudeau. he has so heaps methods on how to deal near the ailments that people own on a daily reason, and get CURES. not interim solutions that most doctors offer

go to they sell it for a great price

How to thump bulimia?

Check out these sites :o)

Has anyone fallen pregnant soon after have Implanon removed ?

She might be under profoundly of stress and it makes the situation worse. Get her to a neurologist a brain specialist and return with her check, she might get a 5HT4 inhibitor, close to imitrex (sumatriptan), kytril (granisetron) this drugs are specific for migrain and once she finds help on this drugs, her stress will hopefully jump down, and she will better. OTC analgesics don't normally work on migrain, they are not that specific, but they dark hurt her stomach really bad, they are strong irritans, worse if taken on an available stomach. Hope it helps. Goos luck and be lenient.

Do you think the dash between male and feminine physical strength is getting smaller these days?

could be hypoglycimia low blood sugar she should enjoy a 5hr glucose test severe headches can come from drop is sugar level chex with your doc

constant pressure down my bladder which make me want to pee all the time?

She should progress see her doctor and ask to be sent to a specialist. Everyone has triggers and she wants to find out what triggers her migraines.

When I get a migraine, I usually lug whatever extra strenght torment reliever I have on foot (usually Advil or Tylenol). If I'm at home, I'll get within the shower and let the shower spray hit my commander and shoulders to help relieve the tension( I maintain the lights in the washroom off). After that, I dance to bed with a couple of gel rime packs. I put one beneath my neck right at the groundwork of my skull and the other on over my eyes. Then I sleep it off. It doesn't other work, but it does help slim down the pain.

GIRL give somebody the third degree.?

prescription from doc, accupuncture.

Girls only I am worried my term is 1 month late?

Imitrex-----------presription migraine medicine-very significant in TREATING a migraine

Topamax-------prescription migraine medicine-taken day after day to help PREVENT migraines or at the extraordinarily least spawn them more bearable.

Combo of both is usually prescribed-see your doctor.

If she is diagnosed with cluster migraines, she may have need of oxygen therapy combined next to imitrex.

But most importantly---get her blood pressure checked!
My hubby first thought he was freshly having one of his migraines, but it be a STROKE! Fortunately, he is o.k., but he does have some minor effects from it such as difficulty concentrating and some memory loss. He be only 50 when he have the stroke and his MRI showed scarring from previous mini-strokes that we never even knew roughly speaking!

Hope she feels better!

Can this incentive thigh fat?

yes i know what she is going though they own medicine
for migraines have her appointment her doctor or drug store i don't have them as much in a minute it doesn't completely stop them but it slows them down

My girlfriends vagina smells terrible when shes aroused. What should i do?

I found that acupuncture worked the best for me. The trick is to find the dr. that will filch you in as soon as you perceive a migraine coming on. I was have migraines every month that would last from 3-4 days respectively. After getting acupuncture for a few months, I went a year and a partially migraine free!! Also I found that things like chocolate, and foods near nitrates would often be triggers!!

Have any women out within had a tummy tuck (mine would be associated near hernia surgery)?

Sorry that my answer goes against what most race have responded... but why hold taking meds to stop the migraine when you can figure out what is CAUSING the headache and CORRECT that?

I used to get severe migraines (missed plentifully of work) and after several years, got smart plenty to write them on a calendar when they were occurring.same time every month - so I knew it wasn't a food was hormone related.. Once I found a doc to make a contribution me the hormone I was low surrounded by, presto, the migraines STOPPED!

If you are interested in learing the cause..I'd chart them on the calendar and write down what she eat or does that day. (ex..if she's cleaning house, I don`t know it's a chemical in a cleaner?). That's what a doctor told me and that's how we stopped mine.

Course, most docs would to some extent medicate you than help you stop the result in. ;)


is there a time of year that girls mostly get nearby period at?

Headache is a twinge in the skipper, scalp or neck.
Headaches can be cause by minor problems
like eyestrain, scarcity of coffee or more serious reasons
similar to head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
enjoy harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

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