Do you think the line between male and female physical strength is getting smaller these days?

what makes you believe contained by this?

Why do some peoples female genitalia smell worse than others?

No, i meditate its remaining about duplicate. Not that i have any proof but at hand is no proof to show me otherwise

Excessive vaginal bleeding?

I think it appears to due to the "equal rights" movement and women man more assertive, as well as women increasingly participating in previously adjectives male sports. But unless we adjectives start taking steroids I dont think we could adjectives overtake all men within strength. I pride myself in my above average fitness and strength, but wouldnt approaching to be stronger than my would feel wrong and unfeminine somehow...

Switching from yaz to yasmin?

nope not at adjectives. what i will say is that both manly and female proportions (size and build) are shifting rapidly. girls are getting bigger but so are males. in attendance seems to be more youthful men over 6 feet these days than there used to be. but i still dont contemplate women are getting as strong as men although there are other some 'freaks' of nature

What are the likelihood of pregnancy?

I would say yes within many western nation. I say this because men (as a generality and not within every case) are getting doing less and smaller amount exercise. Also many women are markedly fat in this day and age and fat ethnic group do have more physical strength (they inevitability to be stronger to move around). So lifestyle changes enjoy led to cut back natural sexual dimorphism.

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