Can this cause thigh fat?

i have hear that if you cross your legs too much you will get more leg excess weight. i always cross my legs and my legs are fatter than i would resembling. i am very moving and eat enormously healthy, but my thighs are fatter than the rest of my body. is crossing my legs a defence for this thigh fat?

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naw, if you don't similar to the way it is, do running or leg exercises. And it depends, I connote i think it's really hot for a girl to enjoy some meat on their thighs and booty too. You don't want toothpicks do you?

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No. Thigh fat is cause by eating too much.

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The location that your body loses/gains fat is entirely determined by your individual genetics.

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no flab is gathered from want of exercise and some people hold fat contained by certain areas due to heriditary, so exercise more and drink healthy resembling you have be doing, good luck

i consistency like im person shocked!!?

There is little proof of this though it has be suggested that sitting with crossed legs can restrict the blood flow and this allows fatty deposits to build up more smoothly. There is no real substantiated proof though.

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No, genetics determines what percentage of hefty goes where on earth on your body. You can't change it. Only surgery can eat up the places you want. You can tighten them up, but mostly you just hold to lose more weight adjectives over. You probably just deliberate your thighs are bigger than they are. Besides, it's not the fat on the thighs that counts, it's if they enjoy a lot of cellulite that make them look fatter. I'm sure they are fine.

Going without?

Nope. Thigh cooking oil is more likely due to your insulin smooth being too soaring, causing too much food to stir to the thigh cells for them to use, so they convert it to butter. Have your doctor test your blood insulin stratum, especially if you are noticing an increase in your abdominal oil as well as thigh solid.

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No, that's ridiculous. Everyone crosses their legs and not everyone have leg fat. Unfortunatly, it's probably inheritance. Go to a gym and get some one on one time beside a trainer. He/She can point you in the right direction. There's always surgery, too.

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I don't think that simply crossing your legs would explanation them to be fat. I deduce the reason why thighs are usually fatter than most of your body is because that's where on earth fat is stored. So it's harder to loose it, even when you are busy and eating glowing.

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No that doesn't result in leg fat, they are bigger because at hand is more muscle in them and the more you work beside them the bigger they are going to get. After a while they will obtain smaller. It's all muscle don't worry give or take a few it.

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yes i devise it is... i have oil thighs but not 2 fat... thank god!!

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No, crossing your legs doesn't wreak them to get large. It may however cause you to develop varicrose vein because of the restricted blood flow. I think you should only find a new track to sit.

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