constant pressure down my bladder which makes me want to pee all the time?

hi am a 17 year old girl and am recovering from a flu. Since ultimate night, i perceive kind of close to a pressure in my vagina, which cause me to CONSTANTLY want to go and pee. I intervene out very little hose down but the urge is here, 24/24!! feels close to something's swollen down there and am freaking out! can anyone aid me? please? thanks


I am 33 years old and i get my period on March 15th it be a normal 5 hours of daylight cycle.?

Sounded like possible urinary tract infection.
Please budge to see a doctor. You will probably be given antibiotics.
Good luck.

Is this normal?

could you be pregnant if unsure or no your not travel to the doctors because that is not mundane

Could I be pregnant?

It sounds like you hold a bladder infection. You need to walk to the Doctor.

How cam i stop this excessive sweating problem? HELP?!!?

Sounds like it could be an infection. Go to a gynecologist if you enjoy one. Otherwise go to some thoughtful of doctor. If it's a Urinary Tract Infection you'll have to receive a prescription to take vigilance of it. good luck!

Is this true in the region of periods?

You could be pregnant, enjoy UTI or STD. Not a common symptom of the flu, see a doctor.

Is blood clots everyday?

I heard that frequent urination could be cause by stress, infection, or diabetes.

could something be seriously wrong?

You may have a urinary tract infection. Also, the urge to pee frequently is one of the first signs of diabetes. I would suggest that you receive to your doctor ASAP. Good luck!

Worst cramps of my life!!?

Sounds similar to a simple urinary tact infection to me, unless you are pregnant. Anyhow, you should go to your doctor and she / he will return with a urine sample and examination it for infection, then she/ he will donate you some antibiotics which are needed to clear uo the infection. Don't ignore this and forget almost going to the doc because untreated UTI's can turn into kidney infections which can make you immensely sick. Until you can get to the doctor try drinking plenty of sea and straight cranberry juice, also walmart carry some pills (think they are called AZO or something similar to that) that will will help near the discomfort of the UTI, however the pills won't cure it.

Question about Mirena IUD?

If it also hurts while weeing, no thing how little is coming out, it sounds like cystitis, and it is not other caused by sex. It is a mild urine infection, and can be cleared up by drinking LOTS of hose, and cranberry juice, or by using Bicarbonate of Soda - a heap teaspoon in river, mis thoroughly and drink in one. It's foul stuff, but do that 2 - 3 times a day and it should progress in a few days. Drink nil else but water, no fizzy drinks or caffeine.

If it have not cleared up in at the most a week, next go to the doctors

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