Ovarian Cyst? What Do These Symptoms Mean?

Hello, I am a non-sexually active 17 year old womanly. I haven't had a menstrual cycle in 3 months. This is not middle-of-the-road for me. I have been getting a runny white dischage almost daily, which is heavier than regular daily discharge. I get PMS-like symptoms. (break outs, cramps) once a month but then they go away and the time of year just doesnt happen. Im not underweight or overweight, I havent lost greatly or gained alot. I dont take any medication.

Going to the doctors nearly SEVERE cramps - what will they check ?

you really should go and see a doctor.obviously , something is not right. righteous luck

Ugh what is going on?!?? (dont know why it is resembling this)?

You are still young and your body is changing. So you might not acquire fully regular until your done growing. And sometimes you can miss because of stress or things like it. But you should really see a doctor cause it could be something serious.

How can a virgin girl know if she have sexual frigidity or not in need have pre-marital sex ?

Not a cyst but jump to the Dr.

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Slight Bleeding?
Help! girl stuff probable condition issue..?
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