
guys talk how they masturbate from time to time... they start doing it at around age 13.
since im not a girl im just wondering wat age they start masturbateing..

Tampon Qustions?

I started around 12 or 13

can my daughters period affect my own?

whenever u want...but u will go blind

How can I make my breasts larger?

It is a normal thing. I myself started when I was 15

What is meant by periods in a girls body?

i started when i was 12.

Does antiperspirant cause breast cancer? NO!! Read this.?

Maybe around the same age or a little younger, its different for every person.

if i had my period last week and had sex this week is it possible i can get pregnant?

11~13 most girls start masturbating.

PUbic hair and getting it waxed?


Does anyone know any good ways to gain weight??

10. but I was catholic so I denied til I was 23.

a bum just ate me out on the subway?

like 13

How much are you supposed to bleed when you lose your virginity? ive been bleeding for two days now?

i don't know. but girls can have orgasm's really early. 0_0

Why is it that guys allways assume.?

i was about 15 or so.

Any quick fixes for Cellulite?

when i was 12.oh yea...i shoot like 3 ft.

What is the En face position?

from what i heard the general age is from 12-16 i started when i was 13 but the thing is guys have to do it.but we done we can go for months without it u guys can last days its scinece

Where can I find information about selling human eggs?

About the same age, you know. just cause we got boobs and a puss it dont make us some foreign creature from mars. And uh... why are you asking?

Is a size 38 D in bras too big?

not sure what age, but i still master =)

*What are some tips*?

i started around 10 i

What chance of conceiving naturally does someone with endometriosis have?

depends my sister started at 10 (EWWW bad to watch) but I know a girl who never started at all

how long after labour at first pregnancy mother and baby are aloud to travel on plain?

Why this question is important to you? What difference will it make with your entertainment?

How can i gain weight fast?

It depends on the person. Some start earlier than others. I don't really do it but I guess 14.

Is 13 An Ok Ageā™„?

About anywhere between 12-14 I think, girls are similar to guys in sexual development I would say.

Does stress really affect YOUR period?

Good question. Since the female hormones kick in before the male, I would say about eleven, or twelve years old. That will increase as soon as they start their cycle. Normally they start with the shower head while taking a shower, or just a normal "bubble bath" with maybe a toym not bought but maybe under the sink where her mother keeps things.

if u dont get your period 2 times in arow wat happen?

It depends on the person..I started when I was 14...

My sister had her period in class.?

When we start our periods our hormones "wake up".

Women's question only please??

Paraphilia is a means for some people to release sexual energy or frustration. The act commonly is followed by arousal and orgasm, usually achieved by masturbation and fantasy. These disorders are not well recognized and often are difficult to treat for several reasons. Often, people who have these disorders conceal them, experience guilt and shame, have financial or legal problems, and can (at times) be uncooperative with medical professionals.

Some psychiatrists discuss whether paraphilias are a part of the impulse control disorders or if they fall within the spectrum of obsessive-compulsive disorders. The more common paraphilias include voyeurism and frotteurism, and the most rare paraphilia is zoophilia. In this age of computer technology, individuals can easily access information about paraphilias from any computer, thus fueling a disorder that already is difficult to control.
Many theories exist regarding the etiology of paraphilias, including psychoanalytical, biological, and learning theories; however, none is conclusive. This subject requires additional researchMost patients are aged 15-25 years; this disorder rarely occurs in individuals older than 50 years.
Over a period of at least 6 months, patients have recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity.

The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Patients derive sexual gratification from seeing sex organs and sexual acts; scopophilia is a synonym for voyeurism (not a DSM-IV criterion).
Inpatient treatment indications
Patients are suicidal, homicidal, or gravely disabled (Suicide risk is high if they feel exposed or confronted.)

Patients are dangerous to themselves, others, or cannot take care of themselves

Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy involves applying behavioral therapy techniques to modify the patient's sexual deviations by altering distorted thinking patterns and making patients cognizant of the irrational justifications that lead to their sexual variations. This therapy also incorporates relapse prevention techniques, helping the patient to control the undesirable behaviors by avoiding situations that may generate initial desires. Many times, therapists apply the technique of "covert sensitization," in which patients' harmful sexual variation is paired with an unpleasant stimulus, such as that of a person with alcoholism who is administered Antabuse, in order to deter them from repeating the act. This approach has been proven effective in cases of pedophilia and sadism.

Another technique employed by therapists is that of orgasmic reconditioning. In this approach, a patient is reconditioned to a more appropriate stimulus by masturbating to his or her typical, less socially acceptable stimulus. Then, just before orgasm, the patient is told to concentrate on a more acceptable fantasy. This is repeated at earlier times before orgasm until, soon, the patient begins his masturbation fantasies with an appropriate stimulus.

Social skills training: Because many believe that paraphilias develop in patients who lack the ability to develop relationships, many therapists and physicians use social skills training to treat patients with these types of disorders. They may work on such issues as developing intimacy, carrying on conversations with others, and assertive skills training. Many social skills training groups also teach basic sexual education, which is very helpful to this patient population.

Twelve-step programs: Many physicians and therapists refer patients with paraphilias to 12-step programs designed for sexual addicts. Similar to alcoholics anonymous, these programs are designed to give control to group members, who lead most of the sessions. The program incorporates cognitive restructuring with social support to increase awareness of the problem. The group also focuses on the sense of a "higher power" and each individual's reliance upon his or her spirituality.

Group therapy: This mode of therapy involves breaking through the denial so commonly found in people with paraphilias by surrounding them with other patients who share their illness. Once they begin to admit that they have a sexual divergence, the therapist begins to address individual issues such as past sexual abuse or other problems that may have led to the sexual disorder. When these issues have been identified, beginning Gestalt-type therapy (with the victim, if any) may be desirable to help patients get past the guilt and shame associated with their particular paraphilia. The goal of this type of therapy is to lead the patient to a "healthy remorse." These patients require lifetime therapy in order to reduce the likelihood of relapse.


Long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH, ie, medical castration)



Mood stabilizers
Sex education and therapy
Social skills and training

hope you all stop masturbation soon since you knew its side effects.

I'm thinking of going on the Pill (to control my acne) but I have some concerns about my periods?

personally started at about 13 or 14, but shhh lol my friends totally would never admit they did so idk

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