Gave birth 2 months ago im taking ortho tri lo and i think im gaining weight i feel fatter?

another method instead of this pills can i take or any other style ot pills that i wont gain any weight surrounded by fact i would loose weight

what should i weigh if my heigh is..?

I can't pocket birth control any more due to a blood clot risk but I have tried abundantly in yesteryear. For me, most made my appetite increase and led to counterbalance gain. The one and only pill that didn't be Yasmin; I loved it.

morning sickness?

There are many forms of birth control in a minute: other types of pills, the ring you insert and replace once a month, implants underneath the skin that are good for a year, the shot you pilfer I think every six months or a year. Ask your OB/GYN to explain it to you or pop in Planned Parenthood for a consultation.

It's really itchy!?

When I first started on Ortho Tri Lo I gained some solidity too. but the good communication is... it goes away! Each personage has a different sensitivity to pills, I have a friend who lost a ton of solidity when she first went on like peas in a pod pill, so I don't know that there is necessarily one out in that that would make you loose freight. Best bet would be to head to your doctor and generate sure there isn't anything nonstandard and see if there is an alternative pill.

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