Yeast infections??

Why is it every time my my boyfriend and I have sex I acquire a yeast infection? I douche everytime we do but still get one. How can I prevent one? What is cause it? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Answers:    The problem is that you're douching. That's what's most promising causing your yeast infections. It's not clean for you to douche so often, or at adjectives. Most if not adjectives doctors don't recommend douching. You can try to prevent it by not douching, and instead just taking a shower afterwards. THing close to douching, tight underwear, thongs, medications, pregnancy, or other things that alter your hormones, or the set off of bacteria contained by your vagina can cause yeast infections, cut down on the douching first and see what happen.
He could have a yeast infection and not know it. Since men dont usually hold symptoms he could have it and maintain giving it back to you. Have him budge get checked out to be sure. The douching may be section of your problem. Unless you are using the douching as part of your birth control routine you single need to wash--not douche.

Douching have a tendency to wipe out off the well-mannered bacteria and create an environment for the yeast that occur naturally surrounded by your vagina to grow.

another answer is he has a yeast infection and keep giving it to you.

Stop the douching first and if you are still getting yeast infections then he's giving them to you.
Douche upsets the colloquial balance, that`s why can actually produce it easier to contract a yeast infection. Also, you and your partner could pass the infection stern and forth to each other if both of you are not treated correctly. I would consult a doctor, or pinch an at home test, newly to make sure that you really do hold a yeast infection, and that it is not bacterial. Treatments range from OTC (such as Monistat), crude remedies (such as unsweetened yogurt, garlic, or apple cider vinegar) or, in more resistant cases, pills such as Diflucan. be in motion to a women clinic and they will give you a prescrition for a pill that will knock the virus out of your body, but you can't hold sex for a week while being cured. I know this because like peas in a pod thing use to come about with my boyfriend when adjectives it really is, is two different body fluids mixing and you get a sure to relay your boyfriend to clean down in attendance also when he is in the shower I give an account my boyfriend all the time I haven't have one for sometime now. Another point you can do is eat yogurt because something within it helps maintain the yeast at bay.
Douching brings on yeast infections by bloodshed all the probiotic microbes. Stop Douching. Eat yogurt and cottage cheese - they have untaught probiotics.

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