What is a good way and quick way to boost your energy, and not with red bull or any other energy drink!?

I'm a 34 yr old stay at home mom and lately im sense like my joie de vivre level is null, gone how and what can i do to bring back back on track , red bull is not the answer , i obligation to sleep at some point , my husband is deployed so i know stress is a factor but it comes with the career can't change that so if any one have some good direction im all ears !

If you bear the drug lamictal and birth control pills it is supposed to decrease the efficiency of your bc.

Try a vitamin & mineral supplement. Also chamomile & green tea are relaxing drinks try them before bed. Make sure you try to clutch some me time while the kids are asleep or at school. It is major that you take some time to love yourself or you will burn out. (don't discern guilty)!



Birth Control?

I hate to speak it. But, exercise. I know it's hard near the kids and all but nearby are ways you can work them and the housework into a daily exercise routine.

I am hungry adjectives the time!?

There is this tablet that you put in your drink call Berroca. That works wonders for me, apart from that, drinking lots of water and have a huge breakfast is good for me.

Blood clot?

Carbohydrates hand over you energy. Plus if you commonly eat on top form foods all the time, you'll perceive the difference in your punch level. Eat fit snacks in between your feast times to provide your body with extra nutrients to keep hold of your body going throughout the day.

What are the measurements?

Do you guzzle on a regular basis or do you skip meal?

Eat every 2-3 hours to maintain your metabolism. Healthy choices as expected.


Is there anything wrong next to me?

I know you said you didn't want another energy drink, but if you are concerned almost your health and you really want to surface good, later you may want consider the energy drink that I drink.

It is HEALTHY for you, works in 10-15 minutes after you drink it, last for several hours, and is a lot smaller amount expensive than those other energy drinks on the souk. I've been drinking it day after day for several months, and I feel better than I own in a long time.

You can find them at www.carlshealthhelp.com/energy

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