Does anyone else be aware of approaching this?

I am 20 and find childbirth disgusting, i know it's completly natural and normal and babies are cute, but it turns my stomach,lying here with blood everywhere, possibilty of loosing control of you bladder and bowls etc.
Also, just thinking more or less being pregnant creeps me out a lot, the certainty that there is someone else inside you.
I don't think i could ever own kids, and if i wanted any i would adopt, cause the intact idea of pregnancy makes me grain sick.
Does anyone else feel like this or is it basically me?

Answers:    Agreed. I'm a few years older, but I'm pretty sure it's my age. Probably if I was married, and interested within having kids, I'd reconsider pregnancy (or adoption similar to you mentioned.).
Yeah I want kids and I think it's just something you hold to do to have them. The idea of have something that big coming out of you and all that blood and body fluids and your parts splitting fills me near fear. I'm just grateful I didn't hold those weird parents who videoed my birth and show everybody it.

When they showed us a video of it at school near all the blood and screaming it was approaching a horror movie.

I like the idea of have one and then nobody see me until me and the baby are adjectives cleaned up and gleaming.

I don't even like the idea of the man seeing me giving birth..
I enjoy always felt resembling that. I have always unloved babies because I dread what you have to go thruogh to win them and I always said I would never have one and adopt instead. But, I'm presently in my late 20s and I am settled down and primed for a family. I don't know why I have changed and the thought of pregnancy and childbirth scare the hell out of me still but I just think the fruitless things are outweighed by the result. People have more than one child and if it was so horrific they would with the sole purpose go through it once! My friends says it isn't as discouraging as it seems and I feel pretty prepared and excted to go through it now. My mum other said I'd change when I was organized and I didn't believe her but she was right. I think it basically comes with growing up. . Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Maybe as you matured and find a partner, your feelings will change. Birth really isn't as gross as you are stating. I am a labor and nativity nurse. Most times there is no bowel or bladder control loss, and there is not usually blood everywhere. Adoption is great too though, I don`t know that's for you, or just don't have kids. .
I kinda surface that way too. I don't want to do the whole pregnancy and childbirth article. For some reason, I'm terrified of the belief. But I haven't ruled out the possibility of kids completely. My husband says he doesn't want kids now (joking, serious, both?) but that's okay beside me. For now. I don't want him to cut out the option completely. Ok, I'm a guy, so this sound out really doesnt pertain to me but as a contact I always try to read questions and extend my 2 cents worth...

There's a reason for ppl like this, and I be aware of it to help those children who, for whatever sense, their own parents couldnt take care of.
I surmise its just nature or the universe or whatever's path of keeping things in balance.

From adjectives of those kids to all of you, thankyou..
I think child birth is handsome but everyone is entitled to their opinion I heard another woman articulate that same thing so i don't think your alone. Adopting is also great within are alot of woman that should have felt impossible to tell apart way as you did and not become mother's but unfortunately they did. Almost everyone feel like this. Childbirth is a horrible process, there's no denying it but the results are amazing and totally worth it.
You'll definitely revise your mind when you feel your biological clock ticking. I was of late like you at twenty. i'm 31 now and i own two. .
i'm younger...but yeah...i feel hat means of access, i dont want kids for alot of reasons, mental and physical. and i totally get what you mingy. it sems weird. i love little babys and all but i would perceive weird with it contained by me.and having that pain and have htat slime and grossness. oh god im gonna be sick! I feel the same as you within sense, and more than disgusted, i am nervous about the prospect of person pregnant, giving birth, and raising a child..
Well I have a sentiment when you get older your ambience will change, but this is a great sign that you are not ready to become a parent, so think twice and use protection! Omg yes!! I dont think I could ever do it.

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