my period is really really long.?

ok so i have a teen daughter that has have her period for over 7 months. we enjoy went to the doctor and he said that within was zilch to worry in the order of the when she turns 16 things should even out. can u help?

I'm a virgin but I conjecture I have an infection?

I would bring back a second opinion. I have problems all my natural life with my time and it only get worse when I had children and get older.

How righteous is birth control?

I would go to a different doctor. That doesn't give the impression of being right.

When i am wet why it stinks?

yeah try a different doctor.7 months seem to long!

help with teeth?

Definitely see another doctor!

Something is absolutely wrong. And your daughter is most likely anaemic.and that's not fitting for her, because it'll make it difficult to concentrate at academy.


Change Doctors. You are being fobbed bad. It is obvious that something is wrong and because of all along time she has be bleeding she may also be anaemic. No doubt, yet again, it is down to money and funding. This must be totally miserable for her and she should not be putting up near it. I was fobbed stale for seven years and I recently go privately and discovered I have endometriosis and cysts on my ovaries. I assume they thought that I was man a neurotic woman. Have now changed docs and am acceptance the treatment I should of been 7 years ago. Good luck.

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My ex wife had matching problem. The doctor took care of it by using birth control pills. Then it is regulated to once a month.

My ex also have to go on iron pills because she be anemic from the blood loss.

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