Does the morning after pill cause abortions?

does the morning after pill cause abortions?

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No. The morning after pill prevents a fertilized egg from implanting. This is why you hold to take it inside 72 hours of unprotected sex. If you are already pregnant, it will not work and could cause make worse to the embryo.

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Depends on what you consider abortion, but yes, it does cause the cell walls to be softer, which inhibits the fertalized egg to remain and grow.

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No, this is a myth. The morning after pill is simply a more concentrated doseage of the hormones found in the birth control pill. In fact, here contained by Australia, many doctors will prescribe the "mini" birth control pill (smaller dose than typical pill) and you take the intact sheet of pills at once. Its a little cheaper this instrument.
It works by thickening the mucous contained by the neck of your cervix. The cervix fluently produces this mucous to act as a balustrade to infectious bacteria. Both the birth control pill and the morning after pill contain hormones that thicken this mucous to build it more difficult for sperm to pass through into the uterus.
Your uterus pool liner thickens during your cycle. This is so that a fertilized egg can "implant" (attach itself to the lining) more confidently. Both the morning after pill and the birth control pills make this bin liner become thin, so that the fertilized egg can not bud.
Even if no form of birth control hormones are used, not all fertilized eggs drive in. The egg only begin to develop or grow into an embryo AFTER it implants.
The morning after pill does not eliminate a growing embryo, it works by stopping the sperm from ever reaching the egg, and if that fails, by stopping the egg from implant and becoming a growing embryo.
It is NOT abortion. I have used it. I do not commonly support abortion except in extreme cases such as rape, incest, or other extenuating circumstances.

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no, this is a adjectives myth and it is not true. the morning after pill is just a better dose of regular birth control pills that prevents you from ovulating.

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