Menstrual Cycle...?

Well I'm 13 and started my periods a while ago. They're really annoying thought because I acquire really heavy bleeding and abhor going to school while I'm on them because my sanitary towel usually soaks right through. When I stir up in the mornings my pj's are sometimes soaked aswel. They closing for around a week usually, sometimes longer. Is this normal or not and what can I do going on for the heavy bleeding?

i enjoy already had my length but is it true that i can be pregnant if i have gluey discharge?

Ah, welcome to the general problem of womanhood. I think semi-heavy bleeding is regular but if you're in doubt you could other talk to your mom or another fully fledged you trust. I used to have a problem near leaks too. I started my interval when I was ten (yep, really!) and for the first few years it be often especially heavy.

It be the same for me at dark. I ended up have to wear two pads rear legs to back to cover the undamaged area. Eventually I switched to tampons though and I would never jump back. Not sure what the recommended minimum age is for tampon use but you might check into that as very well.

Good luck, sweetie. I feel your discomfort (as we all do, I'm sure!).

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Its normal.. But if you want, move about to your doctor and get the pill because that can lighting period or even stop them for you.

Blood after sex?

see your doctor, he may put you on the contraceptive pill too regulate the bleeding and lessen the flow.

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Erm I don't know if this is always the satchel, but I think they get hold of lighter as you get elder. My peiods used to be really heavy (like what yours nouns like) but now they aren't as unhealthy or painful and they don't finishing as long. I know other people who enjoy found this is the case. It is faultlessly normal, but if you don't cogitate you can handle it you should see your doctor and they may put you on the pill.

Possible reason for really irregular periods?

this is completely regular, dont worry... use a heavier wipe maybe or even tampons if you have a feeling ok about using them

Ladies single?

it will get better after a while

What else can be going on to me if i don't get my period?

That's pretty normal. I be like that contained by my teens as well. I used to own to stay home on the heavy days.

I'm not sure what to inform you because they make pad different now than when I be 13.

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Unfortunately periods are a usual part of person a woman. As far as the heavy bleeding lay bad of the caffeine and sugary snacks, candy, drinks, etc. Make sure you use the right size sanitary napkin at nights or amend the pad commonly. Don't wait until it get completely soaked or this will cause leak.

PMS! Can you help?

Periods swing from person to human being to be honest, there is no "normal". I would speak to your doctor more or less the heaviness of the bleed, I also enjoy very filling periods for the first 3 or 4 months, next it settled down a little. Your doc will be capable of advise if near is anything they can do to help you out and cause you a bit more comfortable.

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Dear, I had one and the same issue at your age and worst was the backache,dont worry as you verbs, your cycles would become a bit less weighty but if your natural cycle is a beefy one it will remain so.But as in my case,my gynae said that usually it get lesser after have a baby. So hope it get better for you much before that and dont forget you will get over this once you get habituated. For the soaking part of the pack try to use two sanitary napkinsin such a way that it forms similar to a longer one with layer in the middle.Good Luck!!

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My daughter is 10 and started her period right after turning 10! I can relate to your struggles. She is so frustrated next to the whole piece. I know that hers are irregular and the longer she goes surrounded by between the worse her bleeding is. Hers also last a week and she have trouble with leaching. I will be interested to hear any answers on what to do as well. I can transmit you that I have be told that alot of her problems with doomed to failure cramps, irregularity and flow have be blamed on the fact that she is so young-looking and her body is still adjusting to the total thing. It should get hold of better as years go by. But my heart go out to you as it does her, just sway in within honey!

Bleeding after Sex?

You'll need to revision them more often. There is not much to do but possibly gain on birth control pills which help near how heavy your period can be.

I have a cereal inn here and it smells good, but it don't look angelic?

No, not good at your age, or any age. Heavy bleeding will run your body down, giving you a low H/B count and making you have a feeling very tired, and more prone to infections. It's also a viscious circle; the heavier you bleed, the lower your blood count go, and your clotting factor also drops, making you bleed even more the next time.
You requirement to talk to your mum or an aunt or elder sister or even a teacher you trust who can chitchat to your mum if you can't; you need to enjoy your blood checked to see if you are anaemic. your doctor can also put you on a hormone pill, like a contraceptive pill, to control the bleeding, or he/she may want to do an nouns to see if everthing is working as it should.
Good luck

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yes it is normal...jump 2 the doctor they can give u the pill that will HELP lots near that

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Try really good tampons. I disagree next to all these empire who say you should turn on "the pill" at thirteen. That isn't even what it's for! It'll still bug you, but there will be no leak if you figure out what your stencil is and change tampons back they even leak.

Nipples quiz?

it is okay but you can get something to form it shorter

40 ish need to lose 25 lbs asap around stomach. It really looks resembling a tire and has get to go?

see your dr, at your age its horrible but you will achieve used to this damned curse eventually.

The birth cortrol pill?

go to your gp and ask him that you wish to move about on the pill to help blanch your periods. the pill isnt purely to protect yourself from getting pregnant, but is to also lighten your period or stop them. everythings confidential with your doc and wont report your mum or dad.

i do advice you do sit down near your mum and tell her why you will be taking the pill. if she dont know almost this then if she accidently finds them, she might deduce your having sex. but sitting down near her and telling her its to abet with your period she'll understand.

if your startled to go docs on your own, recount your mum to make you an appointment and enlighten her why, she'll come with you and listen to doctor and yourself. that approach she'll know why your taking them.

also as for leaking through, use tampons. when i be your age i used them. i thought they were dirty but contained by fact you can use one for up to 3 hours in need bleeding through and thinking people regard as you smell.

the best tampons for your age is the ones with the tube. they come within a blue box and have different colours. dont achieve the ones without the tube as you'll find it difficult to use them at your age.

associates say not to put one on up to that time you go to bed as you forget that its in attendance in the morning and step to put another one up. i used to put one on at night, also wore a wipe incase i didnt wake up surrounded by the night to whip it out and change it.

if you enlighten your mum all this she'll give support to you. its not embarassing and she'll advice you what to do.

Is in that any herm if i removed vaginal hair regularly by using lotion?

hey, dont capture too frustrated. put on right tampons or pads. instead of hate it, try liking it.

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