Blood after sex?

After me and my wife have sex she tend to bleed a little. This a short time ago started a few weeks ago about matching time that I quit smoking. She says that it hurts a short time at times but this is always after the certainty. Other than me not smoking nothing have changed with us surrounded by the last 4 years. Any philosophy?

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It happens to me sometimes. A week ago I go to the gynaecologist for my year check and she asked me if I used to bleed during sex because I had a impressively sensitive uterus, I was bleeding consequently. I told her that I didn't have that problem years ago may be the problem is because I hold an IUD ? but she told me that it has nil to be with it and it's impeccably normal within women. It depends on the strong moves making sex. Try to do it someday calmly and you'll see a silver.

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ummmmmmmmmmmmm. ask a dr!

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She wants to see a doc as something is wrong. Do not have sex until she get this checked out by the doc. It has zilch to do with the reality that you stopped smoking, She has an infection or something else going.

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use lube

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Is she Too Dry and not raining enough because that can cause for a time bleeding. Try more lubes

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Good luck. I had indistinguishable problem on and off for 2 years. I go to a couple doctors SEVERAL times. They never gave me a solid answer, they in recent times put me on really strong birth control and said it might didnt. I want you luck.

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You not smoking would enjoy no effect on her body. There is a chance you might be too rough next to her. Also, has she taken a pregnancy try-out? She really needs to gossip to her Dr. 1st off. It could be something serious that you shouldn't put sour. And don't have sex until it is resolved.

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She could have a cyst! They are usually pretty non-hazardous when treated, but are known to end in bleeding. Anyway, a doctor would be your best option for this press.

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Are you using anything to present up smoking, ie: patches, nicotine gum, exact if you are, maybe it's releasing some sort of toxins or poison(nicotine is a poison i suppose, it's markedly a drug) in your sperm and this is cause some sort of allergic reaction or impulsive in your wife?

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Is there anguish during intercourse? In medicine that is to say called "dysparunia" and we similar to to say that "dysparunia is better than no parunia at adjectives."

Are you penetrating previously she has have time to lubricate? Is there uncharacteristic friction/rubbing?

Try checking her vaginal area right away after intercourse. You will have to examine the entrance to the vagina practically, with righteous lighting (and try not to get wood, it might throw you rotten balance). Is the bleeding coming from the skin or mucous membrane where you can in truth see the blood coming out, or does it seem to be coming from inwardly the inside of the vagina?

Do you or your partner have any sexually-transmitted diseases? Has your partner have a PAP test or nouns by a gynecologist? Has your partner had "spotting" or other irregular bleeding from the vagina?

If adjectives else fails, you could other resume smoking. Maybe the lack of nicotine in your system is making you irritable and using too much force.

ask vigour care professionals very soon. ask a nurse.?

My Sister had alike problem and she went to see her OB-GYN Doctor and he told her, that her husband be a "big" man in that definite area (so jump ahead and pat your back" and that he was hitting her Uterus cause her to Bleed slightly after wards. He give her some creams to use and she got ably. Good Luck to your wife...

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