No period, but period cramps?

The last extent I had be around the middle of February which is odd, because usally I'm on diary. For the past twoish weeks, I've be having cramps that quality like they're menstrual. But I haven't have a period. Is this usual? Should I be worried?
Oh, and I'm not on any birth controls, and there is no fortune that I'm pregnant.

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Have you been below stress lately? Stress can totally mess with your time. Also, your hormones play a part contained by them. Anytime they are unbalanced it affects your time of year.

If it goes for a month, I would form an appointment with your Gyno.

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This is regular. Sometimes periods don't come due to stress or freshly having be more active (more workouts, activeness within sports, etc). I'm not sure how old you are, but if you are younger, it could simply be your body adjusting to growth/imbalances. Nothing to verbs about. If it keep going on for a while, I'd suggest getting it checked out by your doctor.

what is wrong with her?

get a Dr to check you out=you might obligation a D&C

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same here! wow. if you're beneath a lot of stress it might hold delayed it a bit. other than that i'm not sure. i hold the same point though, and i'm not even that stressed!

How can i make my extent come faster?

Have you been below a lot of stress? I have those exact symptoms last length was over 10 days unsettled but I kept getting that crampy "I'm going to have a mess on my hands" attitude that comes with the hours right until that time your period...and no blood.I wasn't pregnant but my doctor said that the stress of academy and being out of work and claiming benefit may have contributed to such a delayed period and wierd symptoms.

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no theres nothing wrong, i win like sometimes. Sometimes other period take longer than others.

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It could be a sign your length is about to start, my other suggestion is are you 100% POSTIVE you are not pregnant if you are majorlly concerned step and see your doctor

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How old are you? Do you do greatly of sport? are you under bulk?

all the above can effect your cycle, and stop period is not just a travel case of asking on here. but needing more information up to that time we can answer you well.

Whats wrong next to my period?

I would produce an appointment with an GYN. Could be nil, could be something abnormal. If you never have sex ever in your vivacity, could be something. If you just own not had sex since January, no providence you're pregnant, I would be concerned. There's so many things it could be that it would be better to be checked out by a gynecologist

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if your sexually active afterwards you should get a pregnacy experiment and see if you are.

i am a lady of 33yrs doctors wise saying no blood in body what food i enjoy to eat bar that i am normal?

Unless you are abstinent, here is always a kismet you could be pregnant. If you haven't had sex, later I would still consult a doctor if you've missed 2+ periods. There could be another medical intention.

Does every women have these problems.?

I ponder your periods on its instrument , if your getting cramps! If youve still not gotten it in a few weeks then pop along too your gp!...Try not too verbs about it too much as that can bottleneck it even longer aswel! Otherwise good luck!

how do the womanly periods work? can a girl own sex while pregant? is it safe?

i'm going through something similar. i am sexually live but use protection every time without fall short, either mode i took two HPT both came out denial. honestly i think it's due to stress [i've be under ALOT of stress lately]. i be reading up online and they say it's adjectives for women to miss a period some time during the year.

I start my length ever 23days and its been 26days in a minute and i have not started on the other hand i had sex on the 24day am i?

i'm have a similar problem right now. Good luck.

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