How lots days after intercourse does it bear to know for sure if you're pregnant?

Answers:    You'll waste abundantly less money on HPT's if you skulk until your period be due.

If you can't wait that long, the try-out is likely not to be accurate. It will almost never show a positive more than 5 days earlier your period. This is because you ovulate roughly in the middle through your cycle, need conception and implantation to go down to start producing the hormone that is picked up by the HPT. That usually take until a couple days before your length would have be due. Then the concentration needs to build up to be detected.

Hope that help.

good luck!
It vary from woman to woman, but I've heard of women getting positive pregnancy test as soon as 10 days post ovulation. Most women don't get a apposite, clear positive until about 13-14 days post ovulation, though. If you know when you ovulated (or if you hold a good idea), you could start conducting tests 10 days from that day. I prefer to buy dollar store test. They work just as capably as more expensive tests, and because they're simply $1 each, I can usually procure 3 or 4 at a time.

You can get seriously of information at
u have to linger for ur monthly date, if ur period date deferment by one and a half week u be in motion to ur doctor Or use pregnency strip just after one week snag of ur period. it vary in different women, but it will show after 7 - 10 days after sex, or any time after. the closer it is to your term, the more reliable the test will be.

Good luck,

Kind regard,

- C Xxx

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