how do the female periods work? can a girl have sex while pregant? is it safe?

i dont get the extent thing. once a month? what happen?

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You can hold sex while you're pregnant. It may be more painful, but it is still not detrimental unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Periods commonly occur every 28 days, but oscillate from woman to woman. Once a month, one ovary will drop an egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus. The uterus prepares for the egg to be fertilized by a sperm. If there is no sperm in attendance to fertilize the egg, the uterus will get rid of the "preparation" (aka blood, mucus), and explicitly what the period is.

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normally once a month 3-7 days, varies for different women. Sometimes bloating & moodswings formerly called PMS pre menstral syndrome. It is certainly good for a women to hold sex when she is pregnant it keeps the wall of her vagina strong for birth, but I conjecture you should be a little soft & hopefully they are married/manogamist & dont have to verbs about STD's because
STD's can cause blindness, even disappearance to a fetus/baby. My husband always call it riding the hump,lol.

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girls get in that period so that soon she will be able to get a baby and yes it is nontoxic to have sex the entire time you are pregnant as long as within is nothing wrong near you which your doctor will tell you not to sex is not dangerous as long as you find a position you are comfortable with

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Its the coolest article. You have a Uterus, on the walls of the Uterus blood vessel grow anew every month. The vessels are how the fertilized egg will be nourish. Said egg will attach itself to the wall of the Uterus and grow into a baby getting its food and oxygen from the blood vessel, which are now constituent of your circulatory system. If however the egg doesn't get fertilized, it and the blood will be off the Uterus and that constitutes a period. This total thing is controlled by hormones and repeats every month. Pretty elegant ha? Fortunately I'm a guy and only hold to worry in the order of doing the fertilizing. I do believe Smurf has one item wrong. The fertilization doesn't occur contained by the Uterus. It happens surrounded by the Ovary. The Sperm literally race up the Fallopian tube and the 1st one that arrives usually get to enter the egg and fertilize it. Providing no fight breaks out and he get knocked out. If he get knocked out. He can't knock you up you see and the tuff guy that did it will own the privilege.

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It's secure to have sex while pregnant up until the closing month or so, depending on the mother's condition. The periods unanimously occur for roughly 4-6 days respectively month, and in most women this happen about every 28 days. But you spot the "roughly" and "most" and "about" that mean women can be thoroughly different in have very regular or irregular period, and it can also change over time. During their period they can be sore and achy and uncomfortable, so some women will avoid sex at that time.

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